Show AVOID DEBT spring is it at hand tho the time when people mostly run into debt trusting to their crops to pay off such obligations in the fall this is a bad principle which has brought thousands of people to ruin besides placing thousands more in such akward predicaments that they have felt strongly inclined to kick themselves for contracting such debts there thare are some people happily not many here who are so circumstanced that to obtain the common necessaries of life they are forced to get them on time those who are so situated should take advantage of the very first opportunity to establish themselves or a ready reads paying basis and become independent A man who C cau go 10 into a store and after ordering what he requires pays tor for it feels truly independent but such independence is only to be obtained inthe in the majority of instances by very firm self denial be as sparing and close as possible while your financial condition is at its lowest ebb and in tact fact at all times then when fortune favors you a little more you can more readily straighten yourself and study how to prevent a recurrence of the evil the main object always being a desire to avoid the credit habit this evil is largely the result of habit la in many instances there are some people in in the world who have the habit so strongly developed that even cen though they have the money in their pocket yet will they order things on time people of this sort are a curse to their fellow men and a strong incentive to us to avoid so dangerous a system lest we follow in their footsteps our merchants are also sufferers there is little reason to doubt that they would much rather sell their goods at a greatly reduced profit than maintain the tick system and with greater benefit to themselves as well as the purchaser it Is a sad reflection that so many of our people are always a year and sometimes more behind in their lives that their crops even before they are ba nested are not what they can justly call their own but must go to pay some debt and do they always obtain the same price under these conditions as they would had bad they their own free agency and were independent in the matter we believe not A people who are always obtaining obtain obtaining in g goods on credit cannot truly be called free and independent make a strong effort to disencumber yourselves of this octopus contract no debts if you cannot pay for something 0 you want do without it unless it be something absolutely necessary to sustain life continued effort in this direction would mean that in time your crops would bo be your own to sell or hold bold when where and how bow you wished you could demand the highest market price for them sales for debt would diminish or totally and prosperity reign in the midst of a truly free and independent people make a firna firm stand and determined effort all and everybody to try if we cannot obtain this glorious result |