Show oti to travella 1 effective february lith the rio grande western ry W on application endorse its commercial mileage TIl leage books good for passage over the lines finer of the denver rio grande R R colorado TI midland idland R arlo grande southern ry florence cripple creek ry and midland terminal ry thus flying holders of R G GW W milage the privilege leee of 0 taking the colorado trip without requiring purchase e of oe additional rul mileage leage over the different dlf Terent roads in that stale state call on any agent ol of the R G W for additional p particulars 1 al tic ulars F A general passenger agent use hewlett bros 1 I A so idree crows baking Z powder till THE AND spleen spiced are arc be ncik 4 t BEST MADE they are ground d or fresh every day MAO our ill goud 4 ol 01 of till it reind ahrer crown triple EQUAL TO tn ane r BEST vati act are Delie loum on lie or MONEY REFUNDED anem elias morris and ana sons company and headstones tinb marble avtar ble and granite G damte mantles grates G rates etc j 14 alt I 1 L r OPPOSITE THE salt lake city TEMPLE WRITE FOR PRICES AND DESIGNS MARRIED OR ABOUT TO BE and in either cither case you want lantto to use iise economy as is a well known fact that the first thing thine in good housekeeping on which every lady should pride herself is economy and wo we wish to dwell upon this w m ord ord economy by saying that it is not I 1 economy to buy something cheap because it is cheap nar nor something that imitator imitates something good because it is 19 cheap also butt but to 0 buy good goods at a alow low price Is economy in every sense of the word and also good judgment and do you over ever stop step and think that there is iann an article that at you yo have been buying bryin since ou first started to keeping keepin house it matters not how I 1 loner ong ago that time was that you are paying today as much tor for that same article without any improvements as you yon did then n not to withstanding the great reduction which lias been made both in labor and material for the or of that article and that is iB Bal BaKing cing powder 7 did you pay for the first can you bought what are you paying now and wo we want to call bour hiir attention to the fact that wo we ore are manufacturing a bilking baking powder and I 1 selling it at a price that is in keeping keepin with everything else of today and there are two things thing that wo we want to impress upon your mind that we aro are manufacturing a baking powder and wo we guarantee it to ho bo as rood good as any baking powder made be beyond ond that tho the price is just ono one half what hat other halting baking powders equal to this are soiling for boz can bioc lilb li 51 lb 3 oz can 1 lb 16 oz can 2 ic 5 lb can sl it if sou juwill will try a can of our baking Pla liua powder which is known as the saltair baking powder we are confident that you will use none nono other it is for sile s ile by all grocers but it if your grocer cannot cupply you with it please drop us a card with your address and we will send you yen a trial can free and we are sure 3 oai will use none other yours respectfully TITE SALTAIR BAKING I 1 I 1 I 1 0 office 40 46 01 lUeara block telephone xo no afi 46 n B af pf flosi ity arlt ato 0 13 PATENTS si 1 B rl 8 V ut lawyers I 1 sl n rid of ed n va B I 1 ill 1 lia B J ton 1 4 haie bars opened a western branch office in omen rab lIc ad st salt lake they havo bavo had an office in washington for 25 3 ears cars and can can to clients in e acry cry state st ite in tho the union their motto Is no patent no ply pay it A book of 40 pages full of if vai valuable information tor for im inventors endors furnished free C correspondence 0 solicited also attorneys attorney in in 1 land nd oases cases A R CO incorporated SALT I A KE sa books and periodicals prepaid to destination ti at publishers prices special out of 0 town rates on stationery ot office school teachers and general supplies send for prospectus W orlia V ow C TE Z 11 hs R nm MCM 13 3 ya 20 so ST SALT LAKE MUM watchmaker jeweler anil and optician ALEX 1 WYATT aalt Eai lake kelt C t eyes byer examined free 0 D da R G W SHORES the oldest sp la in ake th W M 0 NOT ONE N E LIP OLLAR DOLLAR NEED BE PAID PAD UNTIL YOU A n E WU E D DR G W SHORES uway sawaya seeking to help su suffering frering mankind alwais alway trying to convince people that he gives give value valor ru r calved tor for every dollar paid him bias ha decided to rive quackery fraud ud and imposition its death blow and protect ur the suffel ing ela classes ases from the ls of quacks and a nd brry sufferer from alan L HOOD seminal weakness Vario ocel Hydra 04 syphilis gonorrhoea stricture striatum amu noki or shrunken shrunk en organs premature pre matur old id aim arv imd and all other private diseases caused by ignorance nce excess or r coats gion clon no matter malter how bow alvere you can c consult DIL DH G W SHORES the th otal l clan who has riven civen his ufa to curing chronic disease and be ad treated and cured curea pa vi him one dollar until the cure is the doctor reserves the rich howeth hav rever to refuse tiny any caad U ha be cut curo cure you he dont want your faaet such an offer was never betor before d by a responsible physician and dr ok W shores Is only able abla to maae it because bc he be positively cures curea these thebe dis eamiL awk waste an another ther cent on doa a tors but con consult alt the old DOIL doctor 1 be alss cured SI BUSu SACRED tT COM colt N RIT E bedr lock GW box SHORES 1685 1585 salt lake city mata positive novelty aw GRAND OPERA HOUSE J it oceh of march ath THE P PREMIERS DAUGHTER or A DROP OF POISON from the geranan by mary iary shaw A perfect baht costumes S Alati matinee uce saturday A POSITIVE NOVELTY M 3 live ejibe stock commis Coni missions siola if you would keep potted posted arl for information prompt kepl quick returns FRED A SEARS BLOCK SALT LAKE CITY sr ST MA ACADEMY SALT LAKE CITY established 1825 under direction of the skiers ot of the holy cross crosa one of tho the most prominent educational institutions of the west young ladles prepared to nuy any sphere of life to which they rany may maybe be culled thorough knowledge 0 let tors lr science and art musio anat in nufita bran ches ns la the best classical comer vator lesot europe SEND FOR CATALOGUE address sister superior lT Salt t lake no 11 GEO BI COT COTT JAS H S president PrOt ident vico vice president and treas secretary geo 11 antt cotta co incorporated IMPORTERS RS A AND N D hardware DEALERS IN BA BAR ban n AND SHEET r IRON S STEEL reel I RIPE AGENTS FOR buffalo scale company detroit stove co atlas engine works john van home steel ranges dodge wooden pulleys coles airtight air tight heaters california powder works worthington steam pumps celebrated anchor brand cylinder and revere rubber cot co engine oil i dodge injectors Inject ors howe brown aco drill and Tool steel leviathan belting miners tools stoves etc and a gene general ral assortment of mill findings STORE viviain STREET WAREHOUSE W SECOND S SATT SALT LAKE CITY UTAH |