Show GARDEN CITY GLINTS we are arc sorra to licar hear that tile the bond oil oa the iho rich cache and other mining claims lias has been declared off mr B S kimball left hero here saturday on oil his way lome home to park city work with a good will is still going on in the mines on the like lake shore mr 0 dustin cut the vein today to day in tt tha a u a 1 he 1 has b been 0 c i i d driving r g on t the h e bagel itjin oti I 1 lake shore 1 io r e I 1 he 1 claims a i n i s i it t to b ba e a la large rg e vein the snow is about two and a halt half feet on the level here and still snowing WM L Puo Mins garden city utah march 10 1897 |