Show AGREE A jury of 1 lawyers that df enste d tho the lodge judge 11 X think it was in 1833 1839 said an old member of tho the cleveland bar to a cleveland leader man when the supreme court judges used to go from county to county on horseback or in buggies and hold court on the occasion referred rel erred to court was being held in the courthouse that stood on tho the south side of the public square tho judges were judge hitchcock ebenezer lane reuben wood and frederick grimke harvey rice was clerk and af M IZ kleth kieth deputy the case on trial and in which the late sherlock J andrews and henry B payne were attorneys tor I 1 believe was one concerning a contract and a jury was demanded there were not so many people hanging around the courthouse as there are now waiting tor for a jury job and judge ordered a jury of the lawyers present the legal gentlemen tried every way to get out ot of it but the jua judge e was inexorable twelve lawyers were selecta and sent into the box I 1 dont remember all the names now but there were flerman hurlbut woolsey wells edward wade and I 1 believe dolton bolton and kelly finally the case was concluded and the jury sent out they were locked cc up for the day and returned at night with tho the word that they could not agree judge hitchcock said they ought to agree and sent them back tor for another day in vain they pleaded important business there was no help for them hem at the end of the second day they reported that they could not agree word was sent back that the court saw no reason why they could not agree and that they must try it again but in vain at 2 of the third day they were called out and as there was no possible hope of their agreeing they were discharged judge hitchcock was disgusted and I 1 dont li believe elleve that he ever held another case before a jury of that kind hind |