Show tree Climb ln 11 rabbits tabbits tho the london field has an all item that is likely to call out a discussion amon among english correspondents of that paper A man writes that when shooting with a friend in ill Banff Bariff shire last december my friend called out theres a rabbit up a treel tree 1 sure enough one was there at least ten feet from the ground the tree was an upright fir and the man had seen the rabbit run up tho the smooth bark as easily as a squirrel the rabbit stopped on the fa first fast st branch to look down what is more there is a lot of blown timber in tho the wood and I 1 suppose the rabbits have got accustomed to climbing on it for I 1 have often seen them jump ou on to a loot arid and run up the slanting trunk till they were sometimes 16 15 feet from the ground which must have been a dizzy height for an animal of such bubli ground habits corroborative letters will probably COMO come in iu and rabbits will havo have tin nn established reputation as climbers it is said eald that in australia tile alie imported rabbits have begun began to develop hooked booked claws with the aid cf which they are able to climb the rabbit proof fences A largo large number of animals with hab its ita acquired because of environment havo have been rioted noted from time to time foxes that climb trees frees rats that are beasts of prey birds that build nests adapted to certain conditions and so on indefinitely |