Show those who imagine that the editor Is essentially a of romance anil and none of it ever clings to him know little of the mail lilan because he deals in Is no reason that he Is not a bhole hole dime novel in himself Y karlowski formerly editor of the chicago gazette polska Iol a polish paper disappeared april 3 lie was afterwards supposed tu to have been killed by a rall roid train near new york city on the lie evening niang of july 21 he abruptly reappeared on oil noble streets street chicago most of those who were familiar with ills his usage including tila ills wife imagined that hat lie he was his ou ori ghost it appears that he was ill in a hospital part of the time since april 3 and had wandered derd through several states evidently without any definite object in view karlowski Is fifty years old find and Is a of a german university ile he has jived a term in the illinois Le legisla gisli tore lure ills wife was contemplating 1 r in marriage arriage |