Show tie the oak the male flu flowers irs of the lie oak a are re ga rath t h cred in distinct clu clusters round a ion ions swaying stalk they approach much nearer to the conventional idea of a lower flower individually instead of being abeln r h mere aggregation of anthers of pollen evils cells ou on simple scales those of the oak are pos possessed vioet essed sed of distinct stai alko hairy calyces each marked off lilt into 0 six elx or sel heen en lobes and containing ten tell slender blender stamens with til two 0 celled anthers then tile the female flowers which are usually two or three near each other but not connected consist each of an ovary with throe three short curved styles arid and I 1 invested n by a calyx that adheres closely to it and becomes become the hie husk or shell of tle acorn the whole except the styles li Is held in a cup formed of many small overlapping scales which a afterward f t ake their individuality and shrink into more roughness on tile the outside of tile the flip ill thit it holds the acorn for only one ot of tile the six avilles ovules contained in ill the ovary develops into an acorn of the acorn oak |