Show FI the cli chirm orus of coyotes draw near while the chickens diss ilissa apcar pear win smith tins lins raised over 1000 bushels of first class potatoes ir dr E lee returned home to lay well ami reports a pleasant and profitable trip from 1 l stack astick of hay measuring seventy five tons tong nyron byron Ses sessions sinns threshed bushels of t timothy i ce seed golden autumn daa da a anti and the nights night mado beautiful liv by the silvery moon seem full of llope liepe tor for the verdict on nov ard 3rd rd prosperity lias has again omme need if no mineral deew deill its at aie e discovered the formation of our country will be better understood father muir lias been visiting liis his friends for a lew few days lie mill ill return home by the mountain roid throng through h to ogden in company with john dean dea n anil 1 I nl wife this fine weather keeps contractor neville L in good humor tile the second story of the new school house lilii c being bein comoleta and his hii other contracts oving moving in briskly alon along A j file occupied on the premises of clias chas thornton lat friday resulting in loss as follows corral stables hay two saddles one set of birnes hir h irneze nes horse and calf bauge unknown unk nonn n probably small boy bov an and match win im larson is ia recovering from froin an acci accident dent lie ile met with while anding an unruly horse lie was thrown to tile the ground by the horse falling and tile horn of the s siddle iddle struck the right le aco above the knee inflicting a bevere bruise therease there Ther eare are but few remah remaining aing of th alic qualified electors in this precinct who are not registered while pirty party strife and bitter feelings have departed we w hope never to return there is a ken gen oral cral feeling to be on tha alert and not dot go back to the tae oll old days when it used to be said 1 I guess it is alright anyway there is a sprit sp rit of generosity among the people anil ani while we ae feel it right to uphold our pirty party stant standard lard there is a higher feeling to have good efficient men represent our interests S woodruff oct 14 1896 |