Show il public lublic spirit in the west I 1 probably nothing e ever eer er dd more inore to td i bring the kast east and the west together in n national sentiment senti mout thiu than the colum 11 blan imposition at chicago Thew the whole bole 1 country was mas justly proud of that anil and i ro 0 section was more ungrudging ing in ill M praise of it than the eabe it was con r oded filled frankly aul and heartily that hut chi rago cago had dune what would not lina haia i 1 icell been possible lu in new york orally oraby other I 1 eastern astern city making not merely i worlds fair but a nor lils wonder f 1 western energy anil and dauntless If llin wore were combined a loftiness atall I 1 t catiti or of artistic purpose to produced A which would have be becu cu imps 1 I sible in an ail older civilization As ark an experienced observer sail said not I 1 only was it lie hie most wonderfully fully beau T 1 thin of the kind the lie world tail bad fa ever seen but it Is as likely y to be the i most wonder wonderfully rully beautiful that ever I 1 would be seen for no other nation I it boull over ever have the auda audacious elous courado 1 t to d again what chicago lid did yet this fair was merely the sublime out come of one of tile the chief elements it if not the file chief element clement of western progress 1 the public spirit of the people they ther believe in their country are proud of 0 I 1 its wonderful growth and unbounded resources and are determined todo todd everything in their power to adil add to its la 13 p F fame tills spirit is particularly particular li won I 1 in western cities and appeals to it aril are i 3 never made in vain it makes possible I 1 the establishment on a linn and cuduri 11 ng mg basis of educational and ud arti artistic I 1 which find little cordial support I 1 in eastern cities and which lead imil 4 there only i struggling g awl and precarious ug r exist existence crace they lire ire supported in western cities because they will lie he a credit to the comm communities community unit I 1 es and will add to tl I 1 their fanic faino it ve would be an ul unspent lq pe ita k f able boon to eastern tills this rub pub I 1 ne lc spirit could be aroused in then 1 I V CLu century tury tz |