Show ticket representative alfred commissioners A E eastman ge pope peter John johnbson Jol nihOn bon county clerk 0 W jacobian Jac obion Re conler mra E U R south As essar samuel weston Tie surer J C gray grav sheriff sheri ff dan i el mai alai shall Attorn attorney cy J IV surveyor george galbraith ticket representative U D S cook commissioners jolin john kennedy jos weston W lee county clerk william Wil liani rex rec keo ahr mrs mary shelby Sli elby assessor eugene engene kimball treasurer A mckinnon jr Slie riff C C kearl Attorn Al torney ev 1 11 lee surveyor vor J 11 II neville NOTICE FOR foll publication no uditta states land lam onico I 1 aalt lake city utah october 2 isia notice is hereby given that ahn fol loing named settler hag filed notice to make final proof in support of ins his calim id ami that said proof I 1 I 1 LI I 1 li vill 1 11 bo mado beffie EJ ed benzley county ck rk C of f r rich co utah at randolph utah on oa noi ember 11 1 ay iy viz H B ARNEY FUX FOX 11 II E no tor for the S E ka y S A V K yoc cc 1 I alad N E 14 j N AV K N sec ftp 13 lp l p 10 N R 7 E ito the folloNi following ing witnesses to his hi 3 continuous upon and c cultivation 1 of paid land viz john AV john corless taomas din dan N ieli 3 all of randolph mail and georgo galbra ial brait I 1 alth li of woodruff Wood rulf utah BYRON braon G ROO register eci cpr publication october 9 lii is N ni form no 11 THE WISEMANS UNION TELEGRAPH COM this company transmits and Dell delivers dellvera vers messages only on conditions extremely favorable boand to and for the direct benefit of the receiver thereof errors can be guarded against only by repeating the me message sage to others and following its invitation and the company will not hold itself liable for errors or loss by failure to do so repeat the message for we me claim enterprise originality integrity and merit at our store where you should call for bargains bai gains in goods in this line this is an unrepeatable message and is delivered by request of sender under the conditions named alove C R STOCK general manager 09 NEVER GREEN CREEN president NUMBER SENT BY RECD BY BV CHECK J I 1 da P you are respectfully summoned to call at our new establishment we are arc now located at t 0 our ur new store which is two doors above the old stand ou on front street toward the opera olther a house we carry a large and complete stock of mens boys and childrens clothing as well as an ini immense mense stock of mens overcoats and ilsters Ul also so FurDis furnishing bing 0 goods fine slices hats caps trunks bind and valises Vali ses at the VERY LOWEST PRICES our mr kastor just returned from the eastern market where the best of purchases have been idatte made I 1 and they are now open ope 11 for public inspection yours respectfully 1 I KASTOR tin the loading leading clothier Evi Ev inston wyo W 0 ra W V 0 just opened U up P IN OUR N W I 1 er UJ V 1 L a 01 NEW GOODS Irr iveing daily ina in a few da days ys we will have the MOST COMPLETE line of dry 1 R 04 amm hmm 11 0 I 1 wm I 1 e aw k sa of J ever spen seen in the county count und and at lowest possible prices we invite you to call wither you intend to buy or not am 1 51 1 1 10 I 1 n oun r 0 S LP eman eeman cashin dealers in Ilar hardware dware harness furniture carpets Crock crockery efy I 1 wall paper etc are unquestionably the leaders bogli 1 in ln variety yand and extent of stock and d in ill the low prines prices prevailing everybody ir in co knows that when lie he buys anything of us lie ZD gets just what is represented or lie he may liay return the goods our terms term ire are reasonable and we take wheat or oats oat i at prices that are 11 always at least as high is as any other A few specialties are our own make harness and saddles bajes tic steel ranges ranes I 1 story ife dark clark organs and pianos glidden barb wire mail orders promptly Atter attended ded to evanston Evan sion wyo cook booi brothers 31 dealers in tt V Y f V WV ft W FOR BARGAINS call on oil us we have lave just opened up our splendid line of fall and winter goods at GREATLY REDUCED PRODUCED PRICES no credit no discounts nothing Not liing 1 1 but the most G goods lor for the least money come and see us und and bri bring ng your ow money with you as we guarantee satisfaction to all positively no credit will lie be given after oct 15 16 1896 GARDEN CARDEN CITY AND WOODRUFF lah TOWA ach utah alu mills N M HODGES proprietor manufacturer of high patent 1 A TM NJ TS T wh high patent F A 0 Y golden colden sheaf IL AJ A J V si uinta sheaf straight patent tan TT IT tf Is Q graham it fac U 8 L 0 family pride 4 alb U L germade made and mill feeds of all kinds VU ar W e e k L u wi b 00 w Co common ninion lumber at mill 1000 per in delivered in ill less than 1000 feet 50 cents extra lath tit at mill por per in delivered in randolph 3 31 00 these prices for cash only e x mm |