Show A young man employed in a large office building lit in new york says that the young women employed in the larivi building as stenographers and clerks bave complained of if hini him because lie works in hla his shirt sleeves 1 I wear glod g iod shirts white te or colored ho he says and they are always clean and I 1 do not understand why these oung natii omen should profess themselves LIves to be greatly shocked by seeing nit me lit in my lily shirt cleeves or being compelled by their business to talk tu to me thus II 11 iia 1 l further goes on to say that these same young women show no such fine feeling truen alen they have opportunity of talking to young men in baening suits or lit in racing or other athletic clothes tin the dress that is worn lit in various places Is prescribed by custom and shilva bathing suit would be out of place in a drawing room it Is all right in the alie surf |