Show ALLEGED HUMOR BROWN 1 I say jones did you hear bear about smith having a fit jones no A fit he must have changed chanced his tailor then kate fields washington WOOL Jo blots has more luck than any man I 1 ever knew van vail pelt how then do you account for his bis condition wool it is chiefly bal bad new york herald editon therease there Ther eare are not enough feet sa III this line sir poet feet sir air feet I 1 dont sell bell it by the foot its a poem not a cord of wood golden daya FIRST young woman mabel is writing for a magazine second young woman jealous well il if bhe the subscription price I 1 havo have no doubt she will get it washington star miss heres an advertisement ti of a literary man who wants board does docs lie say gay hes a literary manto man to show hes aesa a person of refinement and culture mrs lim diet no its to that he cant pay much 1 l N Y weekly |