Show since making tile the canvas of tle ie county for subscribers we ire are discovered that the new ork tribune which we ve prom led ed as a premium is a gold ju u 11 sheet so si we have t tu ed that fearless silver chain i n the cincinnati A weekly beckly although an any one 0 has paid up can ill 5 have tribune if they pre pietr ei I 1 r it Isen r sending diug Us ns word not later ater a te p saturday june gab Y 0 ill all who have i ed e I 1 chis this I 1 paper aler but have not t ll 11 et 4 laid aid we will hold our premi ni ziffer offer 0 own en until july 10 a aber r tate which date we vc cannot canno t guve c t tie I 1 e prem iulus |