Show watched himself die our village doctor good man that be was says a woman visiting in the city from an interior town has just died lie was very much absorbed in his profession and studied every case from a run rou of typhoid fever d down 0 wn to an attack ot of measles as ai it if it were his first patient patie ut when his own inert mortal 11 illness prostrated him ho be diagnosed it clearly watched N his symptoms and the ho effect of the remedies used and warned the attending physician several days before his bis death 0 of the hopelessness of his condition as evidenced by certain feelings ing no one but a professional patient with every avory sense alert could have discovered on ile ho was conscious up tip to the last and as tho the end approached had himself bolstered among big chiq pillows into a half sitting position ho be kept tho the fingers of one hand band on the pulse 0 of tho the other and though lie he said nothing tho the expression of his face showed that lie was waa interested professionally in watching himself die As lie he diew his last breath the bo fluttering at his wrist must have indicated it for lie he let his fingers drop looked around tho the group gathered about him with as clear and intelligent expression as any that over ever shone shodo on oil his face said aloud aud and distinctly D dead ead now and was new york times |