Show new york wohld an cin eminent luent critic in one of the leading lenden magazines complains that the young novelists who ito ire are supplying i the market ju jut just t now are tragic to the last degree to tills this ho he objects object s and perhaps with inith good reason certainly lie he ought to object if it is true as he be thinks it is that they make inake life me more re unpleasant than it is yet alter after all the human mind requires tragedy what is it in the lues mes seger boy who stops steps in the alloy alley to read wild niu DIU the wyoming tenor but the same instinct which vl liCh operated in the minds of the severely critical arid and certainly classical athenians who were iv wrought rought to the highest pitch of admiration by dramas in which the heroine liang hangs si herself and the hero here tears out ills his eyes it is said that john I 1 ruskin when lie ho read novels at rill all I 1 road read ri fionch ench detective stories which he be devoured until completely satiated satiate with the the melodramatic and the improbable ironi from the very beginning all of us its who remain natural lu instead tead of be becoming conling critical are prone to do the very sinie thin thing what satisfaction I 1 would there be lit in the story of jick jack the giant killer or jack and the phebean beanstalk bean stalk if the glant giant were Y allowed 0 to escapa who would rl read 17 til the o I 1 odyssey it if the alie sequel were not reon an ant hiir with the terrible clang of the how bow which disposes of the suitors theun the unclean novel the problem novel tile the higher law novel dovel all these are abominations put but who iho would care for coffee or tol tea or cognac if it did not stimulate I 1 and with it no bend lit in a novel with ill all lie thunder builder exal excl excluded titled eiith all tile tragedy left out on where is 19 tile the stimulus to come from I 1 |