Show that troublesome K there have been many estimable esti mablo people abose whoso stumbling block has been orthography tho graphy and it has bas sometimes proved an almost insurmountable obstacle there was once in ill eastern tennessee a judge adjudge well versed in the law but entirely self bolt educated who had this samo same obstacle of orthography to contend with will all his days in early lifo life be had bad lived in knoxville and for a longtime insisted C 1 I 01 oil spelling elling Ep the name Nox norville ville his friends at latt educated him up to th the ep point of adding the K so BO thoroughly iu in fact did ho he learn this lesson that when a few years afterward he removed to nashville nothing could prevent him from spelling Ep elling tho the name knaab ville I 1 after a tow few years residence there the judge removed again this time to mur mor freen free boro one day be eat down to write his first rbt letter from this ibis place he scratched his bead in perplexity for a monid nt and finally exclaimed i well ill give it UPI how in the world con they spell the abo name of this place with th ft a XV KV cincinnati com coin |