Show Randly premature celebration the late W R marshall was wag governor of minnesota a strong effort was made to move tho the laate capital to tile alio capitol lands in kandiyohi it became an isano before the public in the election of members to the legislature and as a soon as file ho legislature convened a bill was introduced A fierce fight followed resulting iu in tho the passage of tile the meadore through both houses it was wa placed ou on governor Mar marchalls marshalls Marshi ills desk for signature tho the residents of baudi ahi became wild over tile the success of tile the bill aud and before the governor had bad affixed his signature they came down to bt paul panl engaged 8 or 12 attached them all al to a wagon on winch was placed a mini aturo design of the hie old capitol ci pitol under which was em blazoned in large lot lotters tors to county ting this vehicle was drawn through wabasha and thud street st itil rowl iii while the people did not like it ir ihry remal remained Ded un tin ti til the lud hid acred en cu the hill bill in a few horis bouis the display dip liy the gov arnor vetoed lie measure meas mea uio sule the kandiyohi boomers did not lave have two thodi of the legisla aud it was impossibly the bill over ills veto st pauls celebration followed 1 journal |