Show just as lie lel venerable lerable senator a largo large bucketful 0 it I 1 ice ice water upon tile the cause of fre freedom edoin it ii cuba art und to calm the troubled breast of tile the Ameil can e eagle anil if ms sible present it front froin lall letting ig the bowels ur of spain a lot of belligerent piew hers down at young ohio add fuel to tile lire fire of sli indignation a and nil still further comp complicate complied lien to our by refusing to eat SI lit it a hanquet banquet the insult lias deliberate and i j bated us its it took the forlie of a resola tion liichi lii cli was ass adopted ulm 11 1 filou sly we are already iu in bad odor iab alth tile the spanish government but such an tit aromatic insult insul tris as this is sure to meet inc et with a pungent dela rallon of hostilities from general weyler these inconsiderate ite and impulsive jerks it at the bad of freedoms tall seem barr uless enough at this distance but they keep the state department part ment in not hot water and mr olney 1 weary sitting up nights willi the G goddess dl of liberty As for tile the bli onion it is 13 1 3 strong enough to hold its own |