Show HOTELS HOTEL PLANDOME SALT LAKE st bale aloi 1 SO ith m 11 af gillet S fia biet at stale respectable CLEAN in KENO NEVADA stop 1 at I ih ahrn bobbt HOTEL GOLDEN Renoa largest and nd most popular hotel 0 EQUIPMENT desks and chain files blea AND USEI USED mw W adding mch safes bales lik bk casee rl ial deak EX 35 W broadway salt sail lk lake TRUSSES hospital supplies anim manufacturers oz of abdominal abdominal jim tam elastic stockings ibe th physicians supply company 4 ff ind south smith st salt lake CUT U utah tah ICE CREAM FREEZERS RODA FOUNTAINS ICE CREAM COUNTER T 8 and ice cream cabinets bit futures st stools is Carbona tors steam tibia also r reconditioned equipment moser HARTMAN CO manufacturers Is post office place salt lake cuy city RADIO SCHOOL ap opportunity w graduates in demand learn aitho good pay day mid and night Vl Bitor welco welcome western electrical college south main street salt lake EYE GLASSES REPAIRED hail v your broken lenses 8 hour service lj e prices satisfaction guaranteed OPTICAL SHOP boston bide salt SAI t loke lake MINERAL WOOL lur pensive gaveon save one e thi third it d r aliel ad information F free r e I 1 6 dulen dealers wanted h 0 64 EIL so was photography PHOTO KRAFT ECONOMY FILM SERVICE any roll developed with 8 quality prints ze extra prints ac wrap coin and film carefully SCHRAMM JOHNSON DRUGS PROTO KRAFT box salt lake city utah week no SALT LAKE V U S APPROVED BABY CHICKS Leg borns reds rocks and others ethers hatched right delivered fresh it ander government and state su supervision Per vision for your protection chick brooders broaders Bro oders feeders Water ers etc SUPERIOR TURKEY write call or wire f for r free ace circulars ind and lp bricea rices 7 Co coching cing in TI THE 1 E NATIONAL POULTRY 1 improvement M PROVEMENT 0 PLAN RAMSHAW hatcheries 2687 south state street SAL lake city utah ALT LAKES most distinguished apartment hotel the BELVEDERE 29 so state street attractive DAY UA Y WEEK OR MONTH calvin 0 jack YOUR xv H T beware coughs from common colds that hang on no ito matter how many medi medicines cinea you have tried for your common cough chest cold or bronchial irritation you may get relief now with serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with any remedy less potent than which goes right to the seat of the trouble and aids nature to soothe and heal the inflamed mucous membranes and to loosen and expel germ laden phlegm even if other remedies have failed dont be discouraged try sion your druggist is authorized to refund your money if you are not thoroughly satisfied with the benefits obtained is one ona word ask for it plainly see that the name on the bottle is and yo I 1 get the genuine product and d the relief you want adv AT LAST THE TRUTH ABOUT bolh 5 elal N G F FIT a aff NEW YORK N Y in a test by a prominent N Y physician and nationally known newspaper woman 25 women lost a total of lbs ibs in 40 days YOU too can follow this SAME SENSIBLE plan right at home and here it is first of all go 90 light on fatty meats and sweets eat plentifully of lean meats fish fowl fresh fruits its and vegetables and for proper r oper functioning by removal of accumulated F t ed was wastes tes take a half teaspoonful of csc kruschen hen in hot water every morning DONT MISS A MORNING Knis kruschen chent is made right here in U S A from famous english formula and this la is import important anU Kru Is NOT harmful it is not lot J just t one a as s bome me people ignorantly believe rather rathe its a blend of 6 active minerals which when dissolved in water make a health ini nl m mineral drink similar to highly effean tire spa waters where wealthy wom domn have pone gone for years A jar of kruschen a only a few cents cent s and lasts 6 weeks so fat ladies get some gumption Rii gu motion I 1 MAKE UP YOUR MIND STICK to the a above cove plan for 23 28 das and just IS t see if you dont lose fat and feet feel h healthier 11 thier and younger you can get kruschen at druggists everywhere help them jennse cleanse C the blood of harmful body waste your kidneys are constantly filtering waste matter from the blood stream but kidneys sometimes lag fag in their work do not act as nature intended tail fail to remove impurities that it if retained may sy poison 0 ison the system prid and upset the whole boby 0 jy machinery symptoms may be ragging nagging backache persistent headache attacks of dizziness betting in 9 up bigi nights its swelling puniness under or t tho be eyes a feeling of nervous anxiety and loss or of pop pep and strength other signs adigna of kidney or bladder disorder its may he be buro burn inc ric scanty or too frequent urination 1 1 I here should be no doubt that prompt treatment is ia wiser than neglect US uso poona pills doans have been winning new friends for more than forty years yeara they have a nationwide nation wide reputation are becom recommended ended by grateful people eople the tb country over ask your you 4 orl |