Show NOTICE TO FEDERAL INCOME TAXPAYERS I 1 for the collection of federal income ax the following itinerary will be ot ob arved in rich county laketown Lake town feb 16 ben orvin arvins Or vins store randolph r feb eb 17 barkers store those who are required to make federal returns are arc requested to call st it the designated place on the dates mentioned ind and file their tax returns signed A D ALLENT ALLEN deputy collector internal revenue I 1 orders orde rs for give lis n your FIRST CLASS CI hemstitching HEM STITCHING AT CITY PRICES WITH AVITH NEW HEM STITCHING MACHINE AI AIO P 0 GENERAL GET YOUR ORDERS IN EARLY EAKLY WRITE OR SEE EDNA I 1 L JOHNSTON UTAH adv feb 3 10 17 we do job work |