Show UTAH legislative NEWS legislative representatives of the third district authored two measures in the twenty third session last week and sponsored cosponsored co anoh ter senator alonzo F hopkin introduce led ed a bill pio providing viding that meat animals once inspected may be sold anywhere in the state without further inspection and another exemption metal pro dubers with net incomes of less than 20 from the occupation senator hopkin voted aye on S B 35 4 and 19 and nay on S B 26 he was absent and not voting on B S B 32 and 35 and on S B 45 to 52 inclusive clu sive his nay vote was cast against the bill permitting state and political subdivision employed emp loyes to organize under the state labor relations let representative don clyde and others authored H B 95 under wh which ich the state liquor control commission will submit a budget each biennium bien niura all AH third district representatives voted aye on all house and senate bips bills pas ed in the house last week excepting that representative maurice E boyden was absent aw ent and not voting on H B 25 and mr clyde on H B 14 |