Show lay TUU uett E ludens me like hot lemonade contain a factor that helps contribute to your alkaline reserve ARTHUR BARTELS athletic director new york as wa M ed zi nr aw il MENTHOL COUGH DROPS AZO 60 how women in their can attract phien heres good advice for a woman during her ch change ge usually from 38 to 62 who tears fears lose her appeal to men who worries about hot loss of pep dizzy spells dupue upset t nerves and moody spells get t more fresh air air 8 bra sleep and it if you need a good general system tonic take lydia E Pin khara a vegetable compound made especially for or women it helps nature build up physical resistance thus helps give more vivacity Iva city to enjoy life and assist calming jittery nerves and disturbing symptoms that orcen accompany change ot of wa uie WELL WORTH TRYING COLDS OLD relieves S 66 headaches first day and fever LIQUID TABLETS due to colds SALVE S ALVE NOSE DROPS in 30 minutes try rub rab MY fib m a wonderful liniment only GOOD merchandise I 1 can be consistently A advertised advertise dver tise r 0 BUY advertised GOODS 0 GAS as so BAD BAB g n N N W N N I 1 my bowels were vr so la sluggish ud and mj stomach so bad I 1 was just pus miserable erable sometimes gas gaa bloated me until it crowded ml my heart I 1 tried Adler lka oh what relief rebel the tha first dose worked like magic admont removed the gas and waste matter maer and my mj stomach felt so ao good mrs S A mcamie if gas in ill your stomach and bowels bloats y you U up p until you gasp for breath take a tablespoonful e spoonful of Adl eriks and notice how tie the etoni arh GAS la Is relieved almost at once Adl erika often moves tho bowels in less leas than two hours houra is ie BOTH carminative and ca cathartic carminatives carmi natives to warm and soothe the at stomach and erpel eipel GAS cathartic cathartics to clear the bowels and relieve intestinal nerve pressure sure recommended commended JEle by many doctors fol dessure 85 5 years get genuine Adl adlonia eriks today sou at all drug storn starts mw E cap r mabes BLACK JUST A GO MUCH AUCH FARTHER ff DASH IN FEATHERS W 6 39 SHOPPING othe the best place to start your shopping flow f low tour four ia 3 is in tour asp lour your favorite favorita easy chair with an open newspaper make maka a habit of reading loading the advertisements in this paper every week they can save you time energy and woney money |