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Show . THE RICH COUNTY RRAPFW RANT'OTpu New Wash Materials Remind It s Time for Spring Sewing DIZZY DRAMAS AW Playing UTAH WEALTH? By Joe Bowers By CHERIE NICHOLAS L V. . ' : v., '- i v, J :: y V- .. ...;:. . . Mrw rx ; ", C'? nv;f - v:fyK: vs "S?; T' , 'i' .. V XV1.,' "T; WHAT to EAT and WHY $- - included in the diet of young! children, especially during the winter months. It is also most important that children follow a daily routine that includes plenty of time for sleep.' And for younger children a day-- 1 GOUDISS HOUSTON C. By time nap is usually advised. of the ways by which her community judges a success as a mother is by the health and well- Children Need Healthy Mothers Mothers must give attention to d being of her children. If they are energetic, the childrens health. But let them normal boys and girls who have a high resistance to infec- give some consideration to their tions, such as the common cold, and if they display the good own. The tired, nervous mother apt to transfer some of dispositions that we usually associate with buoyant health, is very own her fatigue and nervousness then the verdict of friends and neighbors is usually that of a to her child. So in arranging your s job well done. childs rest periods and diet, in To help her children main- their rooms entirely too warm in looking after proper habits of tain top health and vitality, a winter. This not only widens the elimination, make sure that Mother, too . . . and better still every mother must constantly be gap between indoor and outdoor be ex- member of the family . . . folbut may temperatures, alert to the various factors tremely irritating to the delicate lows this same sound health that help produce this ideal membranes of the nose and estate. And at the same time, throat. Most authorities consider the usual run. Many of the beauti- she must likewise be on guard an indoor temperature of about 68 ful hues and motifs for design are the common condi- degrees Fahrenheit satisfactory. Is Your Child Lazy? traced to fine Chinese porcelains against that excel in subtle soft blues and tions that may contribute to We often hear mothers complain Mrs. B. F. Between the ages canary yellows, lime greens, peach-bloo- lowered resistance, especially that their children are lazy in of 60 and 70, and indeed thereaftpinks and cherry blossom fatigue and improper diet. cold weather . . . and they seem is a gradual decrease in there er, reds. Youll love these new wash to have less pep and energy than the Winter Hazards need for energy. All the body fabrics that are so handsome they has been said that in winter in other seasons. If by that they processes function more slowly. It do not look like washables, the body is on trial and this is mean that their children are really The amount of minerals but they are and whats more they as true of children less active, it may be that this and vitamins isproteins, also as no less, are treated to an anticrease process as of adults. Ex- can be attributed in part to the new tissue is being formed. An that greatly enhances them from the tremes of tempera- bleak, shorter days that do not al- excess of food is less readily hanpractical standpoint. Some of the ture require ad- ways invite outdoor play. But dled by the body in later years, so smartest washable crepes combine justments on the sometimes a child displays such it is advisable for older people to the newest fabric (spun rayon) with part of the body, a reduction in his activities as to guard carefully against one of the oldest (pure linen). and in most parts appear indolent. Then the mothin food. You can get these winsome spun er must seek the physical or emoof the WNU C. Houston Goudiss 1939 49. country, rayon crepes in delectable mono-tonchildren are called tional factors that may be reor in prints that are so lovely upon constantly to sponsible. For true laziness sugmere word pictures fail to describe switch their envi- gests a body that is not functionthem. On your fabric g ronment from a ing normally. Salt Lakes NEWEST HOTEL tour.be on the lookout for prints that Quite possibly the childs diet is which is all house stylize a flight of snow white birds too frequently over- not meeting his bodily requireagainst a sly of peachbloom pink or heated to an outdoor temperature ments. An undernourished child a seashell motif on a lime green usually tires easily and is disbe below freezing. may background and you will thus sense that inclined to exert himself. The stimis outdoor While air cool, the charm and beauty of the new food normal may be adequate as to quanulating to children in spun rayon crepes. but not as to quality. For tity, withstand some children Softer to the touch than all wool, health, a diet that is too highly is example, This less much it successfully. yet cozier than cotton by far is an contains too little concentrated, who are of true those imported material that looks like particularly or bulk cellulose, may cause a are who nourished; and feels like a million, yet it can improperly to faulty elimination. or suffer from poor tendency be sent to wash with a carefree in turn, is frequently reThis, circulation. mind for the fabric has been When it is very cold outdoors, it sponsible for lassitude. The remSee to the left in edy is often a simple dietary the picture a housecoat made of this is wise to have children come in to change the addition of a salad to their from play periodically new flannel (half wool, half cotton) the diet; or possibly the which is lightweight as thistledown. warm up. And if a child appears use ofdaily dried fruits in addistewed it cold to from the suffer unduly, This particular smart plaid fabric tion to a fresh fruit or fruit juice to check a' wise is have physician tailors to perfection. daily. Of course, the child should up on his health. To the right in the illustration unalso have two servings of vegetaGuard Against Frostbite usual charm is expressed in a quaint besides potatoes, one of must be avoided, bles dirndl dress of flowered cotton popshould be of the green which lin one of the dependable modern particularly in cold, damp weathAlso a quart of milk Hotel variety. leafy cottons in that it does not shrink out er. For under these conditions, breads and cereals, at least daily; of fit when washed. It is trimmed doctors warn, there is always a half of which TEMPLE SQUARE may preferably be with Czechoslovakian embroidery danger of frostbite. They say that the whole Opposite Mormon Temple an grain variety; egg and buttons in authentic Czech de- whenever the temperature falls HIGHLY RECOMMENDED or at or three least four daily below 8 degrees Fahrenheit, chilsign. Wear it over shorts and cumRates $1.50 to $3.00 one serving of meat, fish merbund when en route to active dren should not hr permitted to weekly; Its a mark of distinction to stop or and another chicken, e at this beautiful hostelry sports, or as a daytime play outdoors. If they do, the cold of a protein food, such as serving cheese. ERNEST C. BOSSITER, Vgt. dress. Either way, it is perfect with may act upon the tissues so that Some form of vitamin D should its matching bonnet. part of the body is deprived of its You will find a bolero costume blood supply. This is most likely made of gingham (faithful standby) to occur in the fingers, toes, nose much to your liking. Why not enter or ears which thereupon become it on your sewing list, for this SOCIAL and BUSINESS frozen. The combination of wind is easy to make, so why not and low temperature is especially ACTIVITIES CENTER at the look up a reliable pattern and have dangerous and frostbite frequently it in readiness to wear this spring occurs at temperatures up to 14 with dainty blouses? The model degrees Fahrenheit when there is centered in the group is in blue and a strong wind. white check. The skirt is flared for Mothers should be on guard fullness. The bolero against frostbite when the temjacket' has wide revers and exposes perature is below 24 degrees Fahrcuffs of white pique caught with enheit, however, and at all times In SALT LAKE CITY links. Match- during the winter, see that chillarge mother-of-pea- rl Thousands of repeat quests year ing gingham trims the rough straw dren are warmly clad. This need after year attest the popularity of sailor hat she has in her hand. not mean that they are so bundled Western Newspaper Union, this fine hotel. , up as to preclude the possibility of active play. Suitable clothing FASHION NOTES 400 ROOMS 400 BATHS consists of garments which provide warmth' and protection Rates: $2.00 to $4.00 Single Crowns of some of the newest hats conwithout against dampness, are on the square. striction at any point. Slacks, are slated for a big place CAFETERIA DINING ROOM BUFFET Two layers of wool, such as in any wardrobe this coming seasweatwoolen a that All Located off Main Lobby provided by son. er and are considered playsuit Yellows are well worth watching, to one garfor they aje much worn in sports preferable Entertainment ment. Feet and hands should, of accessories. EVERY FRIDAY SATURDAY and NIGHT be well protected. After the elaborate first hats of the course, Don't House Overheat the season there is a demand for a simOnly a little less serious are pler bonnet. The new vogue for brown for both the consequences of dry, overindoor air. . It is unfortuMrs. J. H. WATERS, President CHAUNCEY W. WIST, Manager day and evening has been well re- heated nate that so many people keep ceived by smart women. be C. Houston Goudiss Offers Timely Advice on Keeping Children Well in Winter; Warns of Several Dangers ONE J rosy-cheeke- AS A proper approach to the spring sewing program ,that soon will be staged in countless households, we know of no gesture that will so inspire to hurry and get going as to take a day off and We make the go fabric per-enni-al sight-seein- g. prediction that at just a mere glimpse of the new textiles with their refreshing departure from .the old, in the way of texture, and colorings, you will feel an urge stirring to cut and to baste and to sew. In this day and age when wonders are being performed in the way of textures and weaves, it becomes absolutely imperative that the woman who would sew successfully must know materials. This is especially true in regard to wash fabrics that are a revelation as to what science is achieving in the way pat-ternin- gs of non-shrinka- of tones and tints and in the way of weaves of entirely new origin. Consider for example the new spun rayon fabrics that are as lovely and exquisite in texture as imagination can conceive. When you ask to see these fascinating new spun rayons take note of their marvelous colorings that are so refreshingly different from Rebirth of Amber m over-indulgen- ce es sight-seein- over-fatigu- ed Over-exposu- re full-tim- two-pie- ce 4jotel NEW HOUSE long-sleev- ed Its amber jewelry you will be wearing if you are up to the mo- ment in style. The revival of this familiar gem is important fashion news. The new amber jewelry reveals untold beauties. The colors range from golden yellow to rich antique mahogany tones. The love-l- y transparent quality of the stone is especially effective in the new floral designs. The leaves and foliage of many flowers are formed of delicately shaded or veined amber. In the picture a very young woman enhances her gown with amber flower jewelry up-to-da- te too-bul- ky dining dancing RnEWfflldDnJSE ,h 7 , |