Show FARM J TOPICS epics WELL FED LAYERS PRODUCE HEA HEAVILY several important factors must be considered by C 0 dossan poultry extension special ast 1st pennsylvania vania state college U service flocks of white te leghorns Leg horns laying 50 per cent or better should consume at least 25 pounds of feed per IOD birds daily at this season of the year size of bird type of house heated or non heated rate of production and use of lights are all factors which must be taken into consideration when figuring feed intake unless birds eat large quantities of feed they cannot maintain body weight and produce heavily some poultry men make a practice of feeding their birds all the scratch feed that they will eat at night and about half that amount in the morning fresh mash is usually fed each day increased feed intake can usually be obtained by stirring the mash in the feeders with the hand each time a trip is made through the building the use of a fleshing mash or fleshing pellets at noon each day will also increase total feed con some poultry men make a practice of dabbing paint on the plumage of a few birds so they can be readily identified these birds are then weighed at frequent intervals so as to keep a check on the weight of the flock |