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Show TUB RKXI COUNTY REAPER, RANDOLPH. UTAH ' Early 'Communication . Playmate Gone, On February 14, 1859, 'Oregon wa admitted to the Union by act of congress. News of this action was eagerly looked for in Oregon, and particularly in Salem, which was to be the capital of the new state. It did not reach there, however, until 29 days after the passage of the act.' The news waa transmitted to St. Louis by telegraph and was carried from there by Overland mail to San Francisco, arriving on March 10. It was conveyed by steamer to Oregon City, reaching there on March 15. Late the same day the long awaited news was carried by a mounted messenger into Salem, where its arrival was enthusiastically acclaimed. Thus four distinct methods of communication had been employed in relaying the news across the continent Six-Year-O- ld Writes to God WNU HOTELS Rural Accidents Increase HOTEL PLANDOME. SALT LAKE Bates $1.09. $!.$ 4th So. A State St. QUIET RESPECTABLE CLEAN When In KENO, NEVADA, atop at the Renos largest and HOTEL GOLDEN most popular hotel. OFFICE EQUIPMENT Bobby Lewis of Minneapolis, six years old, attended the funeral of his playmate, Floyd Hlgh-stroand talked with Reverend Emil Heuhardt, who told him that Floydie had gone on a long trip to see God. Returning home, Bobbie addressed a letter To God. In Heaven, Up in the Sky, asking that he be allowed to see Floydie when he went upstairs." NEW AND USED desks and chairs, files, typewriters, adding inchs, safes, 8. L. DESK EX., 35 W. Broadway. Sell Lake four-year-o- TRUSSES Hospital Supplies, Surgical Instruments, Manufacturers of Abdominal SupTrusses porters. Elastic Stockings. The Physicians Supply Company Salt Lake City. Utah 4$ W 2nd South St ICE CREAM FREEZERS FOUNTAINS ICE CREAM COUNTER FREEZERS and Ice Cream cabinets Bar Fixture,, Stools, Carbonators, Steam Tablet Also reconditioned equipment terms. CO. Manufacturers SS Post Office Place Salt Lake City BODA RADIO SCHOOL Opportunity Graduates in demand. Learn Radio. Good Pay. Day and Night. Visitors Welcome. Western Electrical College, 246 South Main Street. Salt Lake. m, The Zulu King colored Monarch of Mardi Gras arrives by barge at the New Basin canal and boards his throne float for the colorful trip through the main street of New Orleans Negro section. During the last day of Mardi Gras festivities, Feb- EYE GLASSES REPAIRED Service. Mail us your broken lenses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Wholesale prices. Lake. Salt OPTICAL SHOP. Boston Bldg.. ruary 21, Negroes meet the tag boat, rechristened a Royal Yacht, and demonstrate their loyalty to their monarch. MINERAL WOOL one-thir- ld Negroes Loyal to Mardi Gras Monarch MOSER-HARTMA- Inexpensive. Save faeL Information Dealers wanted. d Free. nuiuutMi Burns Volume Guarded in Transport Wrs.3474 SmttUsOHi G4E.PSO. PRE-CANNE- D FISH PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTO-KRAF- T - ECONOMY FILM SERVICE Any Roll Developed with 25c 8 Quality Prints Be Extra Prints Wrap coin and film carefully --- Box 749 Salt Lake City, Utah W.N.U. Week No. 3906 SALT LAKE Guns Used Air Instead of Powder Guns using air instead of powder to propel their shells were used by the United States in the war. Spanish-Americ- RAMSHAW , That Hang On No matter how many medicines you have tried for your common cough, chest cold, or bronchial irritation, you may get relief now with Creomulsion. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to takeachanrewith any remedy goesright to the seat of therouble and aids nature to soothe and heal the inflamed mucous membranes that we send into the lives AT LAST! THE TRUTH ABOUT Poet Robert Burns received 889 for this edition of his work. When the securely wrapped single volnme was transferred from the Morgan library in New York to Kearny, N. J., it was transported in an armored track and insured for $30,000. Reverend Richard D. Jones (third from left) borrowed the book from J. P. Morgan for the celebration of the Scottish bards 180th birthday. It h a first edition, published in 1186. All ready for canning is this dram fish seined by four Seattle men in the northern part of Puget Sound. The finny adventurer had apparently gotten into the milk bottle when small, and being of a retiring, thoughtful nature, remained too long, growing too big to get oat. PLAN Colleges Prepare to Train Civilian Aviators HATCHERIES 3687 South State Street Salt Lake City. Utah from common, colds of others comes back into our own. Edwin Markham. Douglas Fir, King Tree -The most valuable tree in the world commercially is the Douglas fir, which for this reason is called the king fir. IMPROVEMENT Beware Coughs All ' Cooperating in THE NATIONAL POULTRY ed Good or Evil an - U. 8. APPROVED BABY CHICKS Hampshire! Leghorn, - Reds Rocks and others Delivered Fresh Hatched Right Produced under Government and State eupervision for Your protection. Chick Brooders, Feeders, Waterers, Etc. SUPERIOR TURKEY POULTS Write, call or wire for free circulars and prices. much-increas- laden phlegm. Even if other remedies have failed, dont be discouraged, try Creomulsion. Your druggist is authorized to refund your money if you are not thoroughly satisfied with the benefits obtained. Creomulsion is one word, ask for it plainly, see that the name on the bottle is Creomulsion, and youll get the genuine product and the relief you want. (Adv.) DRUGS N PHOTO-KRAF- T Traffic accidents in the rural districts are mounting by leaps and bounds. Since 1924, the National Safety council says, motor vehicle fatalities have increased 172 per cent. In cities over 10,000 population they went up but 30 per cent. Of course, the council points out, a large part of this increase may be the result of rural travel. But most traffic authorities believe, however, that the more favorable city record can be traced to the more effective traffic control measures in municipalities. In 1937, the loss of life to traffic accidents in rural districts and cities under 10,000 population was 27,400. In cities over 10,000, there were 12,100 killed. While collisions with pedestrians constituted the major fatal accident problem in cities, rural districts had their greatest difficulty with collisions between two or more motor vehicles. and to loosen and expel germ- --- --- SCHRAMM-JOHNSO- Service. -- Most Distinguished Apartment Hotel LOSING FAT NEW YORK, N. Y. In a test by a prominent N. Y. physician and nationally known newspaper woman 25 women lost a total of 286 lbs. in 40 days. YOU, too, can follow this SAME, SENSIBLE plan right at home and here it is: First of all go light on fatty meats and sweets. Eat plentifully of lean meats, fish, fowl, fresh fruits and vegetables. And for proper functioning by removal of accumulated wastes take a half teaspoonful of Kru9chen in hot water every morning. Kruschen DONT MISS A MORNING. is made right here in U. S. A. from formula. famous English And this is Important! Kruschen Is NOT harmful. It is not Jnst one salt as some people ignorantly believe. Rather which Its a blend of 6 active minerals, healthwhen dissolved in water make a ful mineral drink similar to highly effective Spa waters where wealthy womio have gene for years. A Jar of Kruschen costs only a few cents and lasts 6 weeks. So, fat ladies get some guraotion! MAKE UP YOUR MIND YOULL STICK to the above Plan for 28 days and just see if you dont lose fat and feel healthier and younger. You can get Kruschen at druggists everywhere. The BELVEDERE Help Them Cleanse the Blood of Harmful Body Waste 29 So. State Street ATTRACTIVE RATESBY DAY, WEEK OR MONTH The plan of the United States to train 20,000 civilians annually as reserve pilots will receive a practical test at 13 leading universities this year. One of the first to try out the plan is Pamona Junior of 18 and 25 started the course in Febcollege of Los Angeles, Calif., where 15 young men between the ages Students rebuild smashed aircraft certificates. for have will private piloting qualified ruary. In June they from the ground up. At the right students Jack Span sail (left) and Dean Newman work on a motor. five-mont- hs Your kidneys are constantly filtering waste matter from the blood stream. But do kidneys sometimes lag in their work renot act as Nature intended fail to move impurities that, if retained, may poison the system pnd upset the whole body machinery. Symptoms may be nagging backache, persistent headache, attacks of dizziness, getting up nights, swelling, puiliness under the eyes a feeling of nervous anxiety and loss of pep and strength. Other signs of kidney or bladder disorder may be burning, scanty or too frequent urination. There should be no doubt that prompt treatment is wiser than neglect. Use Doan't Pill I. Doanl have been winning new friends for more than forty years. reputation. They have a nation-wid- e Are recommended by grateful people the country over. Ask your tmghoorl IffiMHWia |