Show A rr ram god thine am ALLM ALLf ciNa VS FOOT ruse and an truly may any I 1 would not have been without it lonn iong iad had I 1 known the reth atit it would elve my iny aching feet beet I 1 think tt it a rare chod thing fur for anyone having suro or t tired ired feet mrs mra matilda providence IL 11 L I 1 S belil ld by all Drugg lets 7 ask alc today to day 1 good for sort sore eyes fur for years S FYI EYK SALVE has ha lit ively cured curea eye di liebbe li eaBe I 1 i ee everywhere here all a abny mm 8 ir 8 ft atia pinn i fib d cur ta Uc una aboUo IT FRI 11 casesi physicians ay recommend castona CASTORIA gASTO EIA has haa mot with pronounced favor on the part of physicians phar charma w couticas cou societies and medical authorities it ib is used by physicians with results most gratifying tho the extended use of castoria Oa storia is unquestionably thoi tho result of three facts first the indisputable evidence eviden cB that it is harmless 4 that it not only allays stomach pains and quiets tho the nerves but assimilates tho the food chiri TAT it is ia an agreeable and ana perfect to substitute for castor oil oa it is absolutely safe it does not nob contain any opium morphine or other narco tio and does not stupefy it is unlike soothing syrups batemann batemans Bat emans drops godfroy God froy keys cordial etc eta this is a good deal for a medical journal to say our duty however is to expose danger and record the means of advancing health tho the day for poisoning innocent children through greed or ignorance ought to end to our knowledge castoria Oa storia is a remedy which produces composure and health by regulating Tegu lating the system not by stupefying it and our readers oro are entitled to tho information halls of health I 1 letters from prominent physicians 1 addressed to chas H hetcher fletcher dr B 3 11 halstead alstead scott scoff of chicago ills says bays 1 I have prescribed your MM I 1 I 1 cassorla Ca storla often tor for infants infanta during my practice and ana find it very tory satisfactory dr william belmont of cleveland ohio says bays your cassorla Ca storla stands first in its class in my thirty years of practice I 1 can say eay I 1 never hava va 0 found anything that so filled the place 41 dr J IL tatt taft of Broo brooklyn klym N X Y says bays 1 I have used your cassorla Ca storla and found it an excellent remedy la in my household and private practice toe for many years the formula Is excellent I 1 ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT dr IL R J II Ir amlen of detroit mich says bays 1 I pres prescribe your cassorla Castor Ca storla itil A ve extensively as I 1 have never found anything to equal it for chil childrens drena tk troubles I 1 am aware that there aro are imitations in the field but I 1 always alwayn I 1 ing roe coo that my patients get Fletche CTet chers eo dr win J mccrann of omaha neb says As the father of thirteen I 1 U children I 1 certainly know something about your great medicine and aside from my own family experience I 1 have in my years of practice found cas caa promotes torla a popular and efficient remedy in almost every home ness and chitte dr J it IL clausen of philadelphia pa says the name that your cas 0 opium morphine torla has baa made for itself in the tons tens of thousands of homos homes blessed by the NOT NARCOTIC presence of children scarcely needs to be supplemented by the endorse meat eat of the medical profession but 1 I for one most heartily endorse it and believe it an excellent remedy laski sd dr IL ward of kansas city no mo says bays physicians generally gener rally do not prescribe proprietary preparations but in the case of cassorla Ca storla my experience ad like that of many other physicians has taught me to U make an ex cep caption tion I 1 prescribe your Ca storla in my practice because I 1 have found it him sad to bo be a thoroughly reliable remedy tor for childrens complaints any knyal fsr clan who has raised a family aa I 1 haves have will join me in heartiest becom for campp inand an atlon dation of castoria I 1 ion sour GENUINE C A S T CRA R I 1 ness or SLEEP boarn go signature Sig mature of a or NEW 51 r a the Kind you have always bight boght in use for over 30 years exa copy of ryer tha 01 ON TV av wh IV T VW N M A L S S IKEY d colof colas mart mari goods bria brighter liter and lailer faster colors color thin any nf other 26 lr on iao colon ill albert they dye in coil coh water fr better than any am other ether dye di you candra can r boj M without ripping apart writs write lor for free booklet how ow to dye da oil bleach h and ax colom MONROE orua CO 00 p quinsy illinois this trademark trade mark eliminates all uncertainty uncertainly in the purchase of paint mate materials rialL faint it t is s an absolute guarantee of purity ity and quality your own protection s see e that tha it ii is on en the side of every keg of white lead you buy NATIONAL teab EAD 1102 trinity BuIld isit now hr york turk safe I 1 cant cut your face NO STROPPING NO HONING KNOWN THE WORLD OVER RANCH LANDS NEA nean n s alx lx dollars dollar an acre this ye year only hi faan and ad clover cloer 9 sure a crop no 10 better idaj for general genera farming and aal fit f it did mt pure water one 1 glit 1 from m chic ito b by bv v rail mil or boat ey t terms rite for map and booklet J T MERRITT Alan istee alach TOURS HAIR BALSAM A c exl d t luikim 01 ur aulk awty ft erauth wr air to butir ory to if color 1 bouc hiim hilr I 1 automobile FREE WW f t 4 b ad a NOT n d our itaw to und and holp help us little anil d tb iab A anto 1 I conf FRAN t AM dept D pa A ethl thompsons Thomp sons eye water honored by v women when a woman speaks of her silent ilent caret suffer suffering ind she bo I 1 trusts you million al i ons have be I 1 jou stowed tow thia mark of bonfi benca on dr H R V pierce of caffall batalo Caf falo N Y everywhere I 1 there TO are women who bear witness to the wonder broader Vl curing power of 0 dr to i ri pierces erces favorite prescript which saws saves the st stif ferin ses 5 from mm pain and st lly Z 9 grapple aples with comans womans weak nesses and ad V is lif I 1 lo 10 IT MAKES WEAK bonen STROM rr IT flakes SICK WOMEN WELL no now bomio wo 0 enins mio appeal wan wais ever misdirected or air her non fidance inis misplaced placed when she bo wrote for advice ric to tho the WORLDS Asso camion dr it V pierce president Bu buffalo fralo N Y DA pm at pellets andico bow boal sw OK es ean M day W N U salt lake city no 38 1909 cantona I 1 V V aj the success sulky SAY plow NOW you can make two mitaki ml taki la in baying blown one la in to buy an inferior plow because UBe it Is in offered client and the other 1 to by buy w halh high priced riding plow when the tha SU SUCCESS CES a medium priced plow will do better work successful plowing cn always alway be under all 11 clr cir with the success plow flow itts it I 1 afra a fra melfa meles plow that will jagt a life time tie it ban tb abo bt hitch the th bet best 1 landina 1 devico the tha best belt rolling roll ine cutter and the bet best bottom ever put on riding plows now it 3 ha ams only two twe levers but they gle give lh the hamd panr of As plow with three or four lover it is I 1 h heavier vier hs bag mora inore material but bat fewer part anil and is I 1 I leal corn tha irl lad with wide wid barea lor for alfalfa plowing when ordered order td alita why it is lit in tronc and nd durable why we call it the ask aik the farmer famer he knows know 67 years year of knowing how flow hammered into every on of nt them writ for fully lot t no 37 ol of interest to caery eve farmer and a P A 0 Oa catalog talog which hlll 11 be mailed free rt PARLIN CO canton illinois ll linoL etab co frit falt take city ro ahli ital lter co arli r iila cofflin aig te too for you why we want yota yoa to take for allver liverS M 3 bowels Ws its not advertising talk but merit th the great a it wonderful darful eg wd lasting g merit jt of A 0 il L RITS that we want you to know by trial then 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