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Show Details of the Chief Executives Great Swing Through the West aAd. South Lasting Nearly Two Months. there will be a brief excursion into Helena. Spokane, Wash!, will be reached early Thursday morning, the twenty-eighth- , and the entire day will be spent in that city. The forenoon of the twenty-nintwill be spent at North Yakima and the party will arrive at Seattle at 8:15 that evening. Two Days at Seattle Exposition. President Taft will spend two days 30 and October 1 "doexposiing the tion, leaving Seattle late in the evening of the second day and arriving at Portland, Ore., October 2 at 7 a. m. Two days will be spent in Portland. the party leaving there at 6 p. m. Sunday, October 3, for a trip down the famous Shasta route, through the Siskiyou mountains and in view of Mount Shasta, to San Fran- Beverly, Mass., Sept. 15. the anniversary of his birth, President William H.' Taft started from his summer home here on what will be one of the most notable tours ever undertaken by a president of the United States. For almost two months his private car will be a roving White House, and he will journey 13,000 miles and traverse mosUpf the west and south before he lands in Washington on November 10. He went direct to Boston by motor car y and will attend a banquet there, starting immediately after for Chicago, Besides the president, the party Includes Capt. Archibald Butt, military aide; Wendell W. Mischler, assistant secretary; pr. J. J. Richardson- - of Washington. D. C.; James Sloan, Jr., and L. C. Wheeler of the secret service, and Maj. Arthur Brooks, the president's confidential messenger. Six newspaper men will accompany president throughout the entire trip. the Shortly before noon president will arrive in Chicago and rTbe president will stop the evening of October 4 at Sacramento, reaching Oakland. Cal., early on the morning of October 5. He will spend four or five hours in and around Oakland and Berkeley before taking the ferry at 12:30 oclock for San Francisco. . After spending the afternoon and evening of the fifth in San Francisco the president will leave early the morning of the sixth for the Yosemite valley. He will spend the seventh, eighth and ninth in the valley, and, coming out the morning of Sunday, October 10, will proceed to Los Angeles, stopping for three hours at Fresno Sunday afternoon. The president will spend Monday and Tuesday, October 11 and 12, in Los Angeles visiting his sister. Will Meet President Diaz. He will arrive at the Grand Canyon the merning of October 14 and will leave again that night for Albuquerque, N. M., where he will spend the evening of the fifteenth, reaching El Paso early the following morning for UTAH STATE NEWS (tAE- MARK OF - In dealing with a Jewely store you More school children are enrolled want a libera! supply of reliability in the Murray schools than ever bewith each purchase. fore in the history of the town. Our goods are absolutely guaranteed Six Utah men have been appointed and fifty years successful business delegates to attend the National Good has established our reputation for Roads convention to be held at Cleveland. O., September 21 to 23. The residence of James Owens ot Ogden was set on fire by a bolt of lightning, but the building was saved by the prompt arrival of the firemen. - "'tWHAU St SALT LAKE CITX UTAH. Ogden Is said to be infested with a gang of pickpockets ana crooks, who prey successfully on passengers HARRY ROBINSON and tourists arriving and assembling ATTORNEY AT LAW at the Union depot. 304-30- 5 Jud(s Building, Balt Lake City The city council of Ephraim has decided to construct sidewalk crossings at all places where the streets interNOTES FROM ABROAD. sect with the sidewalks running north From Brussels and for American and south on Main street. use the bureau of manufactures, Thomas Sandy, a Jockey, lies in a Washington, D. C.p has received new critical condition in an Ogden hospital application blanka and additional lit- as a result of injuries sustained durerature relating to the international ing a,- race at the fair grounds, his exposition to be held in Belgium in horse stumbling and falling upon him, 1910. murNick Vacos, the A'new steamer, the Vasari, intend- derer of John Contos, a fellow ed for mail and passenger carriage, at Ogden, will escape the hangmans has been put In servjce by the Lam- qoose, he having been permitted to port and Holt line, between New York plead guilty to murder in the second and Brazilian and Argentine ports. degree. A large cheese Durlng1908 the 308 furnaces In factory has just South Wales, England, had an aver- been completed at Junction: Equipped age pig Iron production of 30,000 tons, with the most modern apparatus and against 27.400 In 1907 and 15,000 In machinery that money could buy, it 1882. is expected to turn out a first class The Japanese government will next article. A small boy in some manner set year send commercial agents to to a barn owned by Karl Kawal Ore for and America the developEurope ment of Japanese trade, lis, at Logan, and the building and mer- contents were totally destroyed. The Leading Japanese provision chants have agreed to dispose of 7,500 barn was a new one, having been this week. jbags of Braz llan coffee during the completed only The Bennion flour mill, situated on next three years. A new electric railway is to he built the banks of the Jordan river, near from Morrisburg, Ont., to Ottawa, Murray, was completely destroyed by Ont. The power plants will be at fire on September 8. The origin of Morrisburg and Billings Bridge, Ot- the fire is unknown, but is believed to tawa. The company has 11,000,000 have been the result of lightning. Salt Lake City's schools opened for corporate capital. Another line conElecthe school year of Belt Line called the Tuesday templated, tric railway, covers practically the morning, Septemner 7, with an atsame rente, and whichever line begins tendance of 14,008. This is an inwork first will get the right of way. crease of 956 over the attendance for Out of 200 railway charters granted the opening day of the school of by the Canadian parliament In the Detective Wardlaw, the Ogden man twenty years ended 1909 only twenty-eigh- t who shot and killed Dominick Virgil have resulted in any construchave lapsed ana the while the latter was resisting arrest, tion, eighty-siothers have received extensions of has been exonerated by the coroners time. Exclusive of the Canadian jury. Virgil shot; the officer through Pacific, Grank Trunk Pacific and Ca- the arm before the fatal shot was nadian Northern, the charters grant- fired. ed called fnr 03,809 miles of construcAaron D. Thatcher, one of the best tion, known men in Utah, and a brother of , Denmark exports to Great Britain Moses Thatcher, who died a short over J4S.600.000 worth of butter year- time ago, passed away at his home in ly. Da r; ng in Denmark is mainly Logan, September 8, following a proIn 1907 the 1,085 asso- tracted illness from stomach and kid-neciations had 158,170 members, bound trouble. as a rule to the enterprise for ten Mrs. Edwin Harman of Salt Lake years. Ti e creameries In 1908 num- City died on September 8, as a rebered 1,345. sult of injuries sustained when her became Ignited from a bonclothing A New Story of Old Virginia. fire. ' Mrs. Harman's burns extended "Irene of the Mountains," a ro- from her ankles to her knees, and her mance of old Virginia by George hands and arms were also severely Eggleston, las recently been issued blistered. & Lee ot from the press Lothrop, The month just ended shows the . As the title inShepard Co.r I? heaviest death rate for August in the is romance, this a plentifully dicates, There history of Salt Lake City. grounded, however, with historical were 114 deaths this August, as facts, written in a manner which can 75 last August, and the the reader. against only not help but captivate rate for each 1,000 death average Politics plays an important part in based on actual residents population heroine the action of the story, the was 1.09. being a power in the mountain secClarence Ernst, the Ogden negro heroThe she lives. in woich tion charged wjth the murder of Charles ine is later transplanted to the fashwill be allowed to ionable circles of Richmond, where Staples, colored, until hts case comes up at go liberty she seems to have carried the spirit of leadership. It is a story well for trial, $20,000 bail being exacted. The shooting occurred last May when worth the reading. the men becametnvolved in a dispute over a card game. Thou Art the Man. Lightning struck the house of A. L. "Didnt some idiot, propose to you The bolt Blaylock in Harrlsville. before our marriage? went through the wall of the house "Certainly. Then you ought to have married and struck within half a foot of the baby, who was asleep on the bed. A him. Thats just what ;I did." Bon VI horse belonging to Mr. Blaylock was struck and died instantly. vant. George Kaltz, a French cook who A Patent Fire Alarm. was picked up on the streets of Salt I shay, you, JohnThe Week-Ende- r l.ake in & supposedly intoxicated conny, gimme 'nother bedroom, will you. dition and placed in Jail, was really theres duck. suffering from an' epileptic fit, and 'The Hotel Clerk Well, sir, No. 45, died the next mofning. A proper next to yours is vacant, if youre not diagnosis of hts case might have recomfortable where you are. sulted in saving his life. Thatll do nicesh-ly- . The Week-Ende- r Now Is the time that incorporations Ive set old 44 on fire. Sketch. are due to pay their annual license fee to the secretary of state, and When He Takes His Fruit. many notices are being sent out. All The Patrolmans Wife "Does your of the notices will be' out by October . husband eat fruit in the morning? 15, and taxes become delinquent at The Roundsmans Wife "No; hes ter November 15. Many of the subYonkonly on duty in the evening. stantial companies have already paid ers Statesman. their tax for the year. Verne Van Wagner, aged 33 years, On the Nile. as an electrician in the employed "I notice the same characters United States smelter at Midvale, carved on all the pyramids. was electrocuted while at work in the Maybe its the name of the firm arsenic bins at the smelter. Van that furnished the stone work. Kan- Wagner was repairing some electrical sas City Journal. machinery when he unwitttingly took hold of a heavily charged wire. A Poser. Land in San Juan county covering Auntie (after listening to the tale 125,000 acres was opened to entry of woe). It serves you right, Tommy. week under the enlarged homeAll little hoys who play marbles on last stead bill, and the selections are now always lose them. Sunday on file at the United States land of' Tommy Well, how about Billy? fice in Salt Lake. This is the largest Hes won them all. single tract opened to entry in years. Luck. Walter Hill, 12 years old, is in a , Salt Lake hospital with the sight of "Lucky dog, that man Bosworth. his right eye entirely destroyed, and "Has he coine into a fortune? No; he has secured a certificate facing a critical operation to save the from his doctor showing that 'he has other eye, because a crowd of boy organic heart trouble. When an in- idlers thought it fun to shoot at him surance agent attacks him hereafter with "flippers when he drove by in he will merely have to show his cer- a delivery wagon. tificate." Chicago Record-Herald- . As the result of a fight between Italians in Ogden, one man was killed Gift Giving. and another probably fatally woundOne gift well given is as good as while an offlber who interfered in a thousand; a thousand gifts ill given ed, the tii.rht was shot in the arm. The are hardly better than none. Dean officer shot One of the men. killing Stanley. v.m instantly. J. - d j 1909-191- h ' ' r Mr. Taft Leaves Summer Home at Beverly for Boston. Alaska-Yukon-Pacifi- c fj; . ON A 13,000 MILE JOURNEY To-da- fifty-secon- d to-eja- cisco. DISCOVERY OF POLE ENDS QUEST OF AGES . ' - Record of Arctic Explorations Runs Back for Centuries and Is Recital of Dire Adventure and Tragedies An American, Dr. Frederick A. Cook, has captured the honor for which daring Spirits for centuries have sac- rificed life and limb. That magic point known as the north pole has finally been located by man, and the quest of ages is at an end. The story of explorations is a recital of dire adventure and tragedies which runs back 1,000 years to the time when the Irish monk, Dicuil, with a number of his clerical brothers, sailed as far north as Iceland and found, as the writings of Dicuil state, that there was no darkness in Iceland during the summer solstice. ( But long before the ninth century the ancients, according to Phtheas, had a legendry knowledge of a far northern island known as Thule. And in the first book of his translation of King Alfred told of the first voyages for discovery made by Other and While the localities men- Wulfstan. s. made his effort to reach the pole with sledge and boat, using a ship from Spitzbergen, scene of his later attempts by balloon flight. His vessel, the Ragnvald Jarl, was crushed by floes. May 28, 1894, at Walden Island. Hd continued north by sledge after the wreck occurred. Hejyas obliged to abandon the attempt six miles from parPlaten island, near the eighty-firs- t allel. His secoHd expedition was in 1898-9- , when he penetrated Franz Josef Land. He had rai8ed the funds for the expedition without assistance.. His ship was the Frithjof, a Norwegian vessel. of In 1899 the ship of the duke Abruzzi touched at Franz Josef Land and Wellman, as the first settler, welcomed the duke. Then, in 1906, Wellman was prepared to start in his first attempt to reach the pole in a dirigible balloon. Atmospheric conditions were such as to make a start impracticable. 0 1908-1909- . x Camp of an Exploration d . be the guest of the Commercial club at luncheon. Next, the Hamilton club takes him in charge and will escort him, with a bodyguard of 1,400 members, to the West Bide hall park, to witness a game between Chicago and New York. After that will come a dinner at the Congress hotel, and then a meeting in Orchestra hall, where Mr. Taft will make a speech. To wind up the day, the president will put in his appearance at a reception and ball given by the Chicago bankers in the Auditorium'. In Wisconsin and Minnesota. Leaving Chicago at 3 a. m. Friday morning, the presidential party will stop at Milwaukee, Madison and Portage, and will spend the night at Winona, Minn., and will reach Minneapolis early on the morning of Saturday, Septenfber 18. He will spend all Saturday and Sunday in Minneapolis and St. Paul, leaving Sunday night at eight oclock in order to reach Des Moines on the morning of September , 20. Five hours will be spent in the Iowa capital, where Mr. Taft will review 5,000 troops of the regular army and make a speech, and then the president moves on to Omaha, where he will spend the late afternoon and evening. Denver will be reached the afternoon of September 21, and the president will go almost direct from his train to the state capltol for a reception to be tendered by state officials, by the chamber of commerce and civic organizations. At 9 p. m. the president will make an address in the Denver Auditorium, where Mi;. Bryan last year was nominated for the presi) dency. TheNpresident and his party will breakfast with Thomas F. Walsh, at Wolhurst, near Denver, the morning of Wednesday, September 22, and then return to the city for the chamber of commerce banquet at noon. Leaving Denver at 5 p. m., September 22, the president and his party will stop for an hours visit at Colorado Springs, and then go on t.? Pueblo, where in the evening they will be guests at the state fair. In Wonder Region of Colorado. The morning' of September 23 will find the president at Glenwood Springs for a brief visit and that afternoon he will visit Montrose, where he will formally open the great Gunnison river tunnel built by the government for the irrigation of theUncom-pahgr- e valley. Returning to Grand Junction to resume the journey westward, the president will arrive at Salt Lake City, Utah, Friday afternoon,. September 24, to remain there until Sunday afternoon, the twenty-sixth- , when the party leaves over the Oregon Short Line for Pocatello, Ida., and Butte, Mont., the latter city being reached Monday, September 27, at 6:40 a. m. John Hays Hammond joins the party at Salt. Lake City. After spending half a day in Butte, the meeting with President Diaz ot Mexico. President Diaz will arrive from ico City Mex- at Ciudad Juarez about the same time and he will then cross the frontier and meet President Taft at El Paso. An hour later the president of the United States will return the visit to President Diaz at Ciudad Juarez on the Mexican side. The authorities of the latter city have appropriated $20,000 for decorations and a bull fight. Arriving at Corpus Christi the evening of October 18, the president will go at once to his brothers ranch, .where he will spend Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Charles P. Taft has had golf links built on the ranch. Trip Down Mississippi River. Visiting Houston the forenoon of Saturday, October &3, the president will proceed to Dallas that afternoon to' spend Saturday evening and all Sunday. From Dallas the president will proceed direct to St. Louis to begin his four days trip down that historic waterway. He will reach St. Louis at 7:27 a. m. the morning of Monday, October 25, and will leave at 4 p. ni. on the steamer assigned to him by the Deep Waterways association, which is to hold its convention In New Orleans on the presidents arrival there. Following the presidents boat will be a spectacular flotilla of river craft. One of the trailing boats. will be assigned to make the trip down the river and to attend the convention. Another boat will be assigned to the congressional delegation of more than 100 members. Yet another boat will carry members of the Illinois Manufacturers association. First Stop of Voyage at Cairo. The first long stop of the river trip will be at Cairo at 8:30 a. m. Tuesday, October 23. The second stop will be at Hickman, Ky., at 2:30 p. m., the president making brief addresses at both places. Arriving off Memphis, Tenn., at 8 October 27, the a. m. Wednesday, president will make an address at 9 oclock and that afternoon at 5 o'clock will speak at Helena, Ark. On Thursday, October 28, at 2:30 p. m., Mr. Taft will make a speech at i New Orleans will be Vicksburg. reached about four oclock Friday afternoon. .The river Journey also will include short stops at Cape Girardeau, Mo... and Natchez, Miss. The president will remain in New Orleans from Friday afternoon, the twenty-ninth- , to Monday morning, November 1. He will address the Waterways convention on October 30 at 2:30 p. m. From New Orleans the president will go to . Jackson and Columbus, ' Macon, Ala.; Miss., Birmingham, Savannah, Charleston, Augusta, Wilmington, and Richmond, reaching Washington November 10. tioned cannot now be located, it is probable that Other rounded North care and Visited the coast of Lapland. In 1815 polar exploration found a promoter in Sit John Barrow, who offered a reward of 20,000 sterling to anyone making the northwest passage, 89 degrees and 5,000 for reaching north latitude which would be 69 ' miles south of the pole. AfterfBarrow Prize. Two years later. In 1817, two expeditions set out, r one by why of Spitzbergen, the other by Baffins bay. Th8 Dorothea and the Trent, on the Spitzbergen route, were commanded by Capt. David Buchen and Lieut. John The other expedition was Franklin. in charge of Capt. John Ross and Lieut. Edward Parry. Neither expeIn 1827 Parry dition was a success. on his third voyage made his historic dash for the pole from Spitzbergen by sledge boats and reached latitude 82 degrees and 42 minutes. rR ir John Franklin made his A Polar Exploration tragic voyage. His ships, the Erebus and the Terror, were seen by a whaler in July, 1845, and that was the last trace. For three years the British admiralty, spurred on by Lady Franklin, sent out relief expeditions, but the only reward of the searchers was the discovery of the grewsome relics of a frightful tragedy. ' One vessel had been crushed in the tee, the other had been stranded on the shore of King Williams Island. Three winters in the north had reduced the explorers to skeletons, and they had fallen one by one by the way in an effort to drag their sledges over the ice to a land camp. The field of arctic exploration ' was ratered M-- Walter Wellmon In 1894. He Party. He started, however, a year later, but was forced to halt. Again last month; he started, but the accident to his balloon forced him again to relinquish the project. He announced then that he would try again. In 1897 Andree and two companions left Danes island from va point only a few hundred yards from Walter Wellmans camp in an attempt to reach the pole by balloon. It was not a diffglbld balloon and the hope of the explorers was that the winds would blow it up to the pole. The last seen of the balloon it was drifting out over the Barents sea, and since then nothing has been heard of it nor has a tracer been found. The adventures of Frithjof Nansen;, the Norwegian explorer, who in 1896 got as far north as latitude 86 degrees 14 minutes, are recent enough to be comparatively fresh in the public memory. He sailed from Christiania iff the Fram, with the intention of forcing his way into the arctic ice near the Vessel Banked with Snow. New Siberian islands and then drifting to the pole. A party was sent out to establish supply stations to which the explorer might retreat if necessary, and the cross country work was to be done on skis. Nansen was absent a long time and fears were entertained for his safety, but he returned, having pem etrated farther north than any other explorer up to that time. In 1900 the Duke of Abruzzi, nephew of the King of Italy, sailed from Christiania in the Stella Po.arl. He was considered an amateur, but he planted his standard in latitude 86 degrees 34 minutes, a new record that stood until Peary penetrated to latitude 87 de grees 6 minutes six years later. |