Show NEWS OF A WEEK I 1 CONDENSED FORM 4 RECORD OP OF THE IMPORTANT EVENTS TOLD IN BRIEFEST MANNER POSSIBLE hista happenings happening that aro are makin making a hlay v information gath gathered tred from quarters of the globe and AA given in a few line intermountain INTER MOUNTAIN lan shang and lang tong two sit san who have biec under arrest since the murder of bow kum kinn a chinese girl who waa vas killed killed an august 15 have been indicted oi oh charges of murder in the first degna deark the local lost in the eleo ilon in ada county idaho the city ot boldo casting a heavy majority ki or tho the wets iwo ivo men were killed throe three injured and two engines ind a box car w 1 wrecked as a result of a headon head on collision of a passenger paa enger train und and switch engine at missoula soula mont 4 fr one man was killed five Bert hurt and thirty nine passengers mft I 1 or less lc injured when awo salt lak laker e route trains collided near 13 Boulte ou iten nj miles west of salt lako lake on september 0 9 john clayborn th the negro bortot ports arrested at missoula soula mont on buop clon cion of 0 killing peart pearl anderson a p nt i gress of tho the restricted district hidir confessed his hl guilt of the the sheriffs officers lealou jealousy sy la Is iw 1 en an a as the cause j 1 the advocates ot of local option io 10 boass their fight in ada county idaho I 1 th lh vote in the city of boise being koay enough to i possible a titter for t thweat th wea ki j V X 1 the engineer id Jua irly 0 dent ot of the oregon trunk line allne a erld road to bo be built from I 1 tho columbia river to central oregon and to san francisco v george NV dally daily rufus ireland wilberforce Wilber fore sully and frank T wells have been arrested in new york city by united states marshal klenkel charged with conspiracy in defrauding the government out of 1760 acres of coal lands in lander wyo DOMESTIC edward 11 II harraman Harrl man the railroad king died at his two million dollar home at arden N Y on thursday september 9 front cancer mr harriman was born it at hempstead L L february 25 1848 the son or of a rector and started life without a dollar working hard tor for the little education he received he made his debut as it railroad man in 1883 running at a n high ped sped seven miles calles east of rl el paso texas an automobile camo into collision co with 06 wilon wagon five occupants of the automobile were injured three of them fatally wall streets response to B H ill II Harrl Harri mans death was a buoyantly strong market in which sec securities made strong salna gains two beliefs concerning tho death ot of edward II if harraman Harrl man have been accepted c as facts first that his great grear railroad organization will not be disturbed second that he was a victim of cancer the tennessee aderial sebr ces es flagship has broken all records from rom san franell francisco co to honolulu Ilono lulu making the in four days and seventeen I 1 hours lol president barber 0 of the diamond match company intimates in nn interview that now Is a good tinse time to inaugurate a merger 0 of all the railroads under government Rovern ment control railroads of the anted states paid approximately for loss and damage and injuries vi to per pons during the year ending june 30 1908 according to a redart road made public by the bureau of railway news ard statistics this Is an increase of rr crr cr tin you thiap re ot or the children 0 of robert A W were burned io 0 o reath tn in a fire which destroyed his fila summer cottave at WO i bear lal lain acta members of I 1 13 1 3 far family illy were severely injured in tho the blaze which an of a gasoline stove ily by a decision ot of the department part ment mall carriers carrl erB need not attempt to deliver mall at residences where vicious logs dosa are kept jacob if and judge IL II S lovett will divide between them the running of tte the complex organization of railways built up by mr air harriman in jack Joh johnson naon the worlds heavyweight champion was accredited with a newspaper decision over at al kautman at ohp end of ten ion rounds of flait ing at the coffroth arena in san francisco th the coat coast and geodetic will III undertake to arbitrate ohp thi veary cook north pola providing dr coo coola quests th thabit t I 1 should hould do so ao mrs mra Stel ki lai ld pare Dir clay y frank it til T kotsou and unda J ni gentry artal gried be b fore fora judge judg simon in the t city 1 l t court at todocia To DOIa kana 0 on tho the c chars h arze 0 o 0 marian the lacu bator baby were ate bogad oyer over to tha th district court Co bonander nander ito robert t e r epeary KP eary lias has sint a cerles of message mesa aRea to his bla Jia ac eltora friends and rs laUve do da blaring that thai be liaa has discovered the north dortu poo poe n his way home llo claims to td tho the polo dole on april 6 1901 a year antei b or Freder frederick lck A coote alleged thai abat lid ho planted the stars atara and stripes at the tha norther northernmost most point ot of the world tho the all night drus drug store j cut rate rata arup etore and tho the mi gge stive poat pard will be done away with it if tho the national association bf f W in cas a act lt George Gouid udd a west trip within the next thirty addys then dij h will dalvi which win will miyk majk the completion or of the great western pacific bo tween salt lako and an ran daco tho do good citizenship lakub ot 04 Al city N J jj 7 has baa be beean giama a ado ade adlist bor dealers for violat sunday law an w recent recently lyl taken prisoners in walera aba berried tried a at t valde on october 4 1 h to lo ft dispatch dle patch to td UM fh ap titter orvice office ra re melved in washington f good progress 61 as made on ilip ibe alii ana aind sandstone ilour stet stetsons tons ft it have been 11 sald cald cot colonel onel chapt nolner in chargo charge ot illel lial 09 0 the canal upon his arraial ar riyal in from th tha 4 arthmus lat tinnia N euterio eute riu t funeral fl lawry glenry C cot cor U 6 0 i dlud tin n 4 a boa aids 8 opera Hota ift for ift renal r WM JA Lifry puring aw el T I 1 1 I ht is we trip I taft tafe will take the people into hla his confidence regarding tho the recent rrie nt tariff fight in congress congre rs according accord ln to a state bbate ment mant made at deverly beverly mati mat s ho a will frankly tell of the troubles trun bles that beset him in dealing with tho the tariff situation the resignation ot of governor post of porto rico has reached reache d the bureau of insular affairs and was forwarded to tho the president general 11 C corbin died in a hospital in washington on september 8 following an operation general corbin had been sick for the past two years A thomas sammons gammons american consul general to korea was the guest of honor at a banuet given by prince ito just prior to his sailing balling from boklo eighty four sail ball and steam vessels with a total gross tonnage of 1301 1361 were built within tho the boundaries of the united states and officially numbered during august according to ft a report by the bureau of navigation of the department of commerce and labor W I 1 FOREIGN dr frederick A cook discoverer of the north pole sailed from copenhagen on september 10 tor for new york city expecting to arrive homo home SOP september ZI 21 orvllle orville wright flying over the Temple hot parade grounds at berlin traveled at the estimated speed of forty miles an hour and remained in the air 62 minutes the first drawing of the national lottery was held in havana flavana cuba Ser september 10 A denso dense crowd thronged thron ged the building all day hundreds of negro runners were employed to carry the prize numbers to tho the various newspapers and aad the loth lot tery offices omecea in all parts parn of the tha city the official statistics ot of berlin for the second quarter of 1909 show that 1051 dogs have been slaughtered cred for food under government inspection and horses E lefebvre IA Lt febvre the french aviator was killed from a tall fall from his auro plane with which lie he wits was praet jeang ove over tho the aviation field in prance france M lefebvrg Lefebv ra sustained mortal injuries when the machine crashed to the ground viscount lascelles Lascell ea aide de camp to earl groy gover governor por general of can ada who shot a mountain goat and deer out ot of season during the gov eov arnor generals visit to northern british columbia has been fined wi by the british columbia game gama wardens wardena A number ol of americans americana who have been marooned in the alood districts of 0 mexico have arrived at mexico city and am report rl a terrible toll of death and suffering as aa a result of the unexpected high waters til koehl foght tho the rebellious subject of 0 tho the sultan of morocco who was recently carried into fez a prisoner in an iron cage Is I 1 ill and tha taa autan has given orders that he be no longer exposed to the public gaze |