Show sensational STORY friend of ex explorer p cook cooka acau see peary of akl g arctic retreat efel kopenhagon Copen hagon the iken lishes a remarkable letter giving pr dr I A cooks cooka version of 0 tho ahe tromble with alth fe supplies auppl lea WAS val by nr dr noi man 1 binca ml 1 h an who skov AP 1 almea 1 alb d denland Oen land viaud t I 1 V I 1 Is 5 ewe V dr cook practically story ory to cap Q of hla his loest i t 11 4 aa limtt a beok ago woo L T m mander pearry ferny reappeared ib alq scene but said eald ha h aad alj iob ta ok maka mak it public sor 4 ya avi iii dr wae lot S C M tinie tinte 14 G ree filand m with ln op the da aa I 1 falt de 3 w AON noy tast I 1 tin r 0 afrew ki 1 erin am n jonse I 1 to keep fp t osmy t to W albot iw hp ham chic airy V ae to to ino blaw write t ford mehlory mehi ory aw B or dr kati told it to me ine and 1 I 1 ath fully full T W T dr czi J 1 1 storo aln and it wak wy to yach k f y i wj qa ial R b A faill i knew kab w 14 I 1 h EHon lOs a bauw ff t abi M at I 1 ney vf bisoi haq 6 1 V P K 0 w log io 11 yx I 1 g I 1 af q lan 1 0 e i it X out 4 to b bid id ill him m welcome but lasasse tho si house was waa a stranger strai iser a giant new ne w 1 found land boatswain on watch this man had been placed la in dr cooks house by peary when the latter passed etah with hla his alp ship bound north peary had given the tha boatswain a writ ten order which commenced with the following words worda rols this house housa to dr frederick or elc A cook but dr cook la is long ago cad and there Is no ue to search arter after him therefore 1 I commander robert 13 N peary install my boatswain in this deserted house this paper the boatswain who ronld neither read nor write exhibited to dr cook and the tha latter took a copy this copy however he be does not latend to publish it peares cour course so do doea es not force him to do so BO dr cook gave mo me a lively account of how bow the young millionaire whitney during the whole winter was treated like ilke a dog by tho boatswain ani how ha hi had pa witnessed the ba bartering dr cooks cooka pro for fox and and bear skins chins for him im belt if br dr cook also had to put a good faco face on tho the unpleasant situation ho had tobee to ibea to got get into his own house and had to make a compromise with the boatswain 1 I dr cook made a present ot of tho the ahouee with nil all its contents to ills his two falth faithful fut eskimos with the provision that whitney was to have the use of the house as aa long as his hunting trip lasted but he was compelled to let tho the boatswain continue his watch tho the boatswain however received strict orders not to exchange any more of tho the provisions or guns to mr air whitney dr cook gave hla his instructions anti and his observations as ho hi thought these precious IM clous things were vero cafer there than on the long sledge trip in the spring across melville bay but all hla his noto notebooks books and sonea boiled record books which have boen been so BO closely written upon he kept and carried with him to ro me who understand only very little astronomy the record written down so closely nud jn all directions were very hard to read but what la is the re feord ord to us the two mert peary and cook conk there character their conduct that Is what interests us and nj every little item throwing a sidelight upon tiron their natures la Is valuable |