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Show A TEXAS CLERGYMAN 6peaks Out for the Benefit of Suffer HARR1MAN IN SILENT w ing Thousands. Rev. G. M. Gray, Baptist clergyTex., says: man, of Whitesboro, Four years ao I suffered misery with lumbago. Every movement was one of pain. Doans Kidney Pills removed the whole difficulty after only a short time. Although I do not like to have my name used publicly, I make an exception In this case, so that other sufferers from kidney trouble may profit by my experience. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a bnx Foster-MilburCo., Buffalo, N. Y. n DEEP SEA TALK. Services Held in Private, Only In- timate Friends of the Family Being Present. sasa: Physicians WHAT IS PAINT? TOMB a A Recommend Castoria The paint on a house is the extreme outside of the house. The wood is simply a structural under layer. That Is as it should be. Unprotected wood will not well withstand weather. But paint made of pure white lead and linseed- - oil is an invulnerable armor against sun and rain, heat and cold. Such paint protects and preserves, fortifying the perishable wood with a complete metallic casing. And the outside of the house is the looks of the house. A building may be greatly depreciated by lack of painting or by poor painting. National Lead Company have made it possible for every building owner to be absolutely sure of pure white lead paint before applying. They do this by putting upon every package of their white lead their Dutch Boy ASTOEIA has met with pronounced favor on the part of physicians, pharma- ceutical societies and medical authorities, v It is used by physicians with results most gratifying. The extended use of Castoria is unquestionably tha result of three facts: First The indisputable evidence that it is harmless 3 Secojrf That it not only allays stomach pains and quiets the nerves, but assimilates the food: nw-- It i3 an agreeable and perfect substitute for Castor OIL It is absolutely safe. It does not contain any Opium, Morphine, or other narcotio and does not stupefy. It is unlike Soothing Syrups, Batemans Drops, Godfreys, Cordial, etc. This is a good deal for a Medical Journal to say. Our duty, however, is to expose danger and record the means of advancing health. lie day for poisoning innocent children through greed or ignorance ought to end. To our knowledge, Castoria is a remedy which produces composure and health, by regulating the system not by stupefying it and our readers are entitled to the information. HaXl s Journal of Health, Arden, N. Y. With only the intimate friends of the family present, services over the body of Edwaid H. Harriman, the railway king, were held on Sunday in the mansion he had never lived to see finished, after which the body was tenderly laid In its last resting place on the Arden hillside. The rulers of Wall street came from New York to pay their last tribute, but the most prominent part la the ceremonies was taken by the men who knew him best as a country Painter trademark. That trademark squire and master of the great estate, is a complete guarantee. which covers 43,000 acres of hill and 8UBJECT TO CONDITIONS. valley. His general superintendent, i his master carpenter, his master ma-- ' on and the managers and assistant managers of his dairies, his farms and his trotting stables bore his coffin. The funeral was private, and only those who were personal trends of the family and had received lnvita-ton- s from Mrs. Harrman were adn mitted. The party arrived at Arden at 3:15 oclock on a special Letters from Prominent Physicians ' addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher. train. The first service was holy communcelebrated at 10 a. m, by the Rev. J. Holmes McGuiness, for Mrs. Harriman and her children at their home on Tower Hill. At 11 oclock came a public memorial service at St John's church for the employes of the farmi and parishioners, who, on account of lack of space, were unable to attend the funeral service later. Elaborate precautions were taken to preserve the privacy of the afterSeveral score of emnoon service. ployes aided by a number of policemen guarded all roads over which the funeral procession passed, and kept watch at Intervals of twenty yards around the patch of woods which includes the Harriman burial plot. Eight carriages followed the hearse from Arden house. The regular funeral service of the Episcopal church was conducted by Dr. Guineas, assisted by the Rev. G. Nelson, archdeacon of the cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York. A male quartette and the choir of Grace church, New York, sang Abide with Me, and There Is a Land of Mr. Hardman's faPure Delight, vorite hymns. The service lasted but twenty minutes. Then the bearers carried the casket to the burial plot, one hundred, yards up the hllL It was 5 oclock when Archdeacon Nelson took a handful of earth and, Iprlnkllng it over the bed of lilies that bid the metal casket, consigned the bod of Edward H. Harriman to the earth on the spot he loved best. ion, The Porpoise I hear that the sporty old lobster went all to pieces In his last days. The Tortoise Well, I should say he did go to pieces, and small pieces He ended up In a lobster salad. Women in Postal Service. The distinction of first appointing a woman postmaster does not belong to America, nor is the employment of women in the postal service a new Idea. As early as 1548 a woman postmaster was appointed to look after the mails of Braine le Comte, an important town of France. In the trying times of the Thirty Years war, the principal office in the postal service of Europe was held by a woman, Alexandrine de Rue. From 1628 to 1646 she was in charge of the malls of the German empire, the Netherlands, Burgundy and Lorraine. She was known as a master general of the mails. In America, Elizabeth Harvey was the first hold a place In the She had charge postal department of the letters in Portsmouth, N. H., in the beginning of the seventeenth century. A half century afterward Lydia Hill was placed in charge of the e in Salem, Mass. post-offic- A Queer Malady. Sprigg went to a noted physician to ask advice as to his health. In pompous tones he addressed the doctor: I ah have come to ah ask ah the you ah what what is doosld mattaw with me ah!" I find that your heart is affected, said the physician, gravely. Oh ah anything else ah? Yes; your lungs are affected, too. Anything ah else ah ? Yes; your manners are also affected. BELIEVES Dr. IN HUSBAND. Cooks Wife Has Faith plorer, But Refuses to be In ExInter- viewed. A. York. Mrs. Frederick Cook, who still persists in her refusal to be interviewed directly or to make any signed statement for publication on her husbands report that he reached the pole ahead of Commandei Peary, consented Saturday, through a friend whose name is withheld, to acJust an Angel. count for her silence. My wife is awfully good to me. I believe in my husband, she said, Lucky man! How does she show and there the matter ends for me. 1 It? do not belong in this controversy, and She lets me spend all the money I I have feared that If I talked at all, save by shaving myself to buy base- no matter how I should be guardedly, ball tickets. Cleveland Leader, Then dragged into it willy-nilly- . there would be denials and counterPRESSED HARD denials, and I should never get clear. Coffees Weight on Old Age. For this reason I have said and shall beyond the When prominent men realize the In- Bay nothing whatever bare affirmation that I believe my huseffects coffee of and the change band. jurious In health that Postum can bring, they are glad to lend their testimony for Irrigation Work Progressing. the benefit of others. Cheyenne, Wyo. Members of the A superintendent of public schools in Irrigation committee of the United North Carolina says: senate reached Cheyenne SatMy mother since her early child- States inhood, was an Inveterate coffee drinker urday night, having completed the of fifteen government spection large and had been troubled with her heart for a number of years, and com- Irrigation projects in northwestern Diplained of that weak all over feeling states within the last thirty days. rector who is Newell, accompanying and sick stomach. Some time ago I was making an of- the committee, reports all pujects in ficial visit to a distant part of the good shape. j country and took dinner with one of Society Woman Suicides. the merchants of the place. I noLondon. Mrs. James Perin, a young ticed a somewhat peculiar flavor of the coffee, and asked him concerning .American, committed suicide Saturday morniug at It He replied that it was Postum. I was so pleased with it, that after She shot herself with a revolver. Mrs. the meal was over, I bought a pack- Perrin, who was a guest of Mr. and the former musc masage to carry home with me, and had Mrs. Aekroyd, wife prepare some for the next meal. ter of the- - Harrowon-the-Hil- l school, The whole family liked it so well, that was found dead in the conservatory we discontinued coffee and used with her revolver by her side. Postum entirely. Wrlrjht Going Some. I had really been at times very anxBerlin. Orville Wright taiade two ious concerning my mothers condition, but we noticed that after using successful flights over the Templehof ostum for a short time, she felt so rarade grounds Saturday afternoon. much better than she did prior to its In the first he was aloft alone for minutes and executed a seuse, and had little trouble with her forty-twheart and no sick stomach; that the ries of lntr'cate maneuvers. headaches were not so frequent, and Aviator Wins Small Fortune. her general condition much improved. This continued until she was as well Brescia. Glenn H Curtiss, the Amand hearty as the rest of us. erican aviator who won the internaI know Postum has benefited-mtional cup at Rhems, added further elf and the other members of the fam- honors to his brilliant record by capily, but not in so marked a degree as turing the grand prize in the aviation in the case of my mother, as she was meet here Sunday. Curtss made his a victim of long standing. flight Sunday, covering fifty uliome-ter- s Rhd The Road to Wellville, in (31.05 miles), or five' times around the course, in forty-nin- e pkgs. minTheres a Reason. utes and twenty-fou- r seconds. Hts Ever read the above letter? A new share of the $10,000 prie is $6,000. one appear Iron time to time. They Rougher, the French aviator, also are geeeinr, true, and (nil at human completed for the grand prize, making latereat. flight of fifty kilometers in 1:10:18, New Harrow-on-the-Hil- l. ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. A Fibbs claims to have caught 50 pounds down in the creek, does he? Well, it's safe to say hes lying to the extent of about 40 pounds. Hammer Not if he hears you say 1L Gimlet a catfish weighing ftomoles Digrationflreifil ness and ResLContainsnrtter r'c" Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. ApttfMikaMnmni frqJdt JUMtUlt- HrmStti- - Aperfect Remedy further on this ticket My friend, said the man, its the furst time I ever rid on a railroad train, an' ef you aint a better man than what I am Im to set right here till 1 see whar the road ends. I know it must end somere, an Im curious to see whar. Heres one more dollar. Now, go long an let me alone!" Not Ashamed of Economy. Discussing England and the English from an American point of view, a recent American writer in England observes; Nobody, from the king of England down, is either ashamed or afraid to be economical. Here a man or a woman is thought to be a fool cr a vulgarian who is not careful of expenditure, while in America our waiters have been clever enough to make it appear that economy is mean, and as a nation we suffer accordingly. We are fools to be fooled in this manner. Rani Good Thing. "Am using ALLKNS FOOT-EASand san truly say I would not have been without It so long; had I known the relief It would give my aching feet. I think it a rare good thing sore anyone or. tired feet. Mrs Matilda having Hohwert, 1. K. Sold providence, by all Druggists, 25c. Ask A Caa-tor- CASTORIA csnuiriE The Kindjou Have Always Bought In (Use For Over 30 Years. tmiT! Im m X Exact Copy of Wrapper. TliqlMIITMII OOMMUIY, TV T PUTNAM FADELESS DYES , TRAGEDY ON W. N. BANK NOTE A Bitter Words Found Written on a llar Bill by the Receiving Teller. This Trade-mar- k Eliminates All Uncertainty Do- Yes, I collect queer bank notes," said the receiving teller. Ive been You know there doing it for years. are some very odd things written on He pointed bank notes sometimes. bill hung in a frame to a of black oak on the wall. Read And Ive got queerthat, he said. er ones than that even in my collection. On the bank note in red ink was You written in a feminine hand: have robbed me of all the rest, and of my soul also. May this burn your hand when you touch it May all You you buy with It be accursed. have the last Are you now satisfied? Murderer! The collector sighed sentimentally. Think of the tragedy, he said, that may lie hid behind those simple little phrases, eh? in the purchase of paint materials. It is an absolute guarantee of pur. A Useful Baby. Speaking of tricks to win the sympathy of juries in criminal cases, Judge Willlard M. McEwen, in a recent address before the Illinois States Attorneys' association, said: I know of four cases where a baby played a prominent part in getting the acquittal of the defendant, and I later learned that the same baby had been used in each of the cases, although the supposed mothers In each case were different women. Law Notes. At a rose competition in Paris recently, 69 entirely new varieties of roses were exhibited. ,Ce$2))) MTIONAL LEAD COMPANY 1 Cant Cut Your Face STROPPING NO NO HONING Safe The Success Sulky Plow KNOWN THE WORLD OVER RANCH LANDS NEAR CHICAGO Six dollars an acre this year only; alfalfa and clover sure crops, no better land for genera farming and fmlt. Splendid climate; pure water. One night from Chicago by rail or boat. Easy terms. Write formapand illustrated booklet J. T. MERRITT, I Manistee, Mich. PaJTKTFS" HAIR BALSAM mm and basofifi the hato I a homriH M growth. Mil to ftaatora Gray to Its Youthful Colon ja t toalp Oun djMtm h bjut taOiMfc $600 Pe?aod AUTOMOBILE FREE SYM our booklet. How to Succeed, and help ua a little and the Auto is yours. FRANK BORSCH A OO., Dept. A. La Fayette, lad? i Thompsons Eye Water IT MAKES WEAK WOllEN STRONQ IT HAKES SICK WOMEN WELL. No womans appeal was ever misdirected or her conmisplaced when she wrote for advice, to the Wolds DisrBNSAsr Medical Association, Dr. R. V. Pierce, President, Buffalo, N. Y. Pelhta hSw mild nntuml bowel manmaai tsrs a day. fidence Dn Rmm Ptamaant Canton Plows 1102 Trtnlt? Building, haw Toth When woman speaks of her silent seoret suffering she trusts you. Millions have bestowed this mark of confidence on Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y. Everywhere there are women who bear witness to the wonderof Dr. working, curing-powe- r Pierces Favorite Prescription which saves the suffering setr from pain, end successfully grapples with womans weaknesses and stubborn ills. Mm. W'tmlow's Soothing Sjtqd, For children teething, toften the fpunt, reduces to temiueUuu. lUajri Data, cure wt&d ooiiu. 85cbous. 38-19- 09. it is on the side of every keg of white lead you buy. Honored by Women Ml No. ity and quality. y faStnfidil, U, Salt Lake City, For your own protection, see one-doll- If a girl admires a young man and keeps him at a distance, it's either because she is bashful or because she has been eating onions. T VOM Color more good brighter mil fitter colon thin in? other d?e. Ono 10c package color all Abort. The? dre In cold water bettor than an? other tfro. Vo. can die aoi garment without upping apart Write lor tree booklet How to Ore. Sich and Mu Color. MONROE DRUB GO Quincy, llllnolcm y. Many a man is the moving picture of an unpaid tailor bill. MMUV 395 r Good for Sore Eyes, for 100 vears PETTITS EYE SALVE has positively cured eye diseases everywhere. All druggists or Howard Bios., Buffalo, N.Y. ALWAYS NEW YORK. E, When a man has enough money laid aside to keep him on Easy street the rest of his days, he ought to give others a chance. ia IkcSimle Sifoanxt of Mottoes of a Queen. No Short Haul for Him. This is where you get off, said the railroad conductor. But I havent rid fur enough, said the Blllville man. Cant help that. You cant go any farCbnsflp-tio- , Sour Stomkh.Dtarrtra WormsTonvulsicms Jewish ness andLoss of Sleep. Her majesty, the queen of Portugal, pins her faith, It is said, to the follow- bric-a-bra- Sm- d- AastM fat ing mottoes: Keep out of doors all you can. Breathe outdoor air, live in it, revel in it. Dont shut yourself up. Build your houses so that the air supply Is good. Throw away your portieres and Dont have useless trifles about you. Have a favorite form of exercise and make the most of it Ride on horseback if you can; cycle If you cannot get a horse; do anything to get out in the open air. Don't overeat. Drink little and let that little be pure. Don't try to dress too much, yet dress as well as you are able. Wear everything you can to make yourself lovely. ftrpartf ionfrAs- - Intanis?Chh.dren1 Why We Are Stronger. The old Greeks and Romans were great admirers of health and strength; their pictures and statuary made the muscles of the men stand out like cords. As a matter of we have athletes and strong men men fed on fine strength making food such as Quaker Oats that would win In any contest with the old Roman or Greek champions. Its a matter of food. The finest food for making strength of bone, muscle hnd nerve is fine oatmeal. Quaker Oats is the best because it is pure, no husks or stems or black specks. Farmers wives are finding that by feeding the farm hands plentifully on Quaker Oats they get the best results in work and economy. If you are convenient to the store, buy the regular size packages; if not near the store buy the 2 large size family package. gefable simulating ttefbodantllfegula ting (lie Stomadis andBowdsof Dr. B. Halstead Scott, of Chicago, Ills., says: HI have prescribed your Castoria often for infanta during my practice, and find it very satisfactory.1 Dr. William Belmont, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: Your Castoria standi first In lta class. In my thirty years of practice I can eay I never have found anything that so filled the place." Dr. J. H. Taft, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Bays: "I have used your Castoria and found It an excellent remedy In my household and private practice for many years. The formula la excellent" Dr. IL J. Hamlen, of Detroit, Mich., says: "I prescribe your Castoria extensively, as I have never found anything to equal It for childrens troubles. I am aware that there are imitations In the field, but I always see that my patients get Fletchers." Dr.Wm. J McCrann, of Omaha, Neb., says: "As the father of thirteen children I certainly know something about your great medicine, and aside from my own family experience I have in my years of practice found Cafr toria a popular and efficient remedy In almost every home." Dr. J. R. Clausen, of Philadelphia, Pa., says: The name that your has made for Itself in the tens of thousands of homes blessed by the presence of children, scarcely needs to be supplemented by the endorsement of the medical profession, but I, for one, most heartily endorse It and believe It an excellent remedy." Dr. IL M. Ward, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Physicians generally do nof prescribe proprietary preparations, but In the case of Castoria my expert, ence, like that of many other physicians, has taught me to make an exception. I prescribe your Castoria In my practice because I have found it to he a thoroughly reliable remedy for childrens complaints. Any physician who has raised a family, as I have, will join me In heartiest recommendation of Castoria." You can make two mistakes In bnylng Riding Plows. Ona is to buy an Inferior plow because It Is offered cheap, and the other la to buy a high priced riding plow when the SUCCESS, a medium priced plow, wUl do bettor work. Successful Plowing Can always be aecompllshed, under all with the Success Plow. It Is a frameless plow that will last a lifetime. It has the best hitch, the beet landing device, the best rolling cutter, and the best bottoms ever put on Riding Plows. It has only two levers, bnt give the same range of adjustments asthey plows with three or four levers. It is heavier has mors material bnt fewer and la less complicated, than others.parts, Finished with wide shares for Alfalfa Plowing, when ordered. That's why It la strong, simple and durable. That's why we call It the Success." Ask the farmer who owns one ha knows. 67 Years of Knowing How Hammered Into Every One of Them. Write for Beautifully Illustrated Pamph. let No. 37 of interest to every farmer, and a P. A O. Oatalogg which will be mailed free. PARUN & ORENDORFF CO. Canton, Illinois. Utahlmplement-VehlcleCoSalt lake City, Utah. Burton Implement Co., Oprden Utah. Richfield Implement Co . Ki hllehl I tah Fnake River Imniement Co. ftnrter, Idaho Nothing Too Good for you. Thats why we want yon to take CASCARETS for liver and bowels. Its not advertising talk but merit the great, wonderful, lasting merit of CASCARETS that we want you to know by trial. Then youll have faith and join the millions who keep well by CASCARETS alone. i CASCARETS toe a bo for a weeks treatment, all druggists. Biggest seller in the world. Million boxes a month. ASSAYS EEUABU PROMPT Gold 76c . Gold nl SI 00; Goi Silver, Gold and srtror SllTr and Copper. 91 ard botyrbV Writ for fiw maUlngjacka OGDEN ASSAY C- O- Uto urOto, |