Show HARRYJ J ROBINSON AT LAW judge silt lake city NOTES FROM ABROAD from brussels Drus seli and for american use the bureau at 0 manufactures washington on 1 D C has rec recel elvea veil new application blanks and ancl additional lit grature relating to the international exposition to be held in fit belgium lit in 4 1910 k f A anew steamer ft eamer tho the intended intond bof for 1 mall anil and passenger pas carriage has been put jut in service by tho lam iam 41 port pori and holt line between new york and brazilian and Ai gentine ports during 1998 the furnaces in south wales england had nn an aver ago pig tron iron production of tons against 2 lit in 1907 and in 1882 2882 the japanese government will next year seni send commercial agents to europe and Ani america erlea for the development ot of japanese trade i leading japanese capane 0 provision merchants hao haio agreed to dispose of 0 j bags ot of brazilian araz linn coffee during the next three years A new etc atric railway Is to bo be built from Alor ont to ottawa ont tho the power plants will bo be at and billings bridge Url dee ottawa tawa tho iho company compan has corporate capital another huo con tern plated called tho the delt belt line bloc trie fr railway allway covers practically tha file same mino route and whichever line begins begina work first will got the right tt of way out of railway charters ch artera granted by the Canal canadian flan parlIn parliament ment in abo twenty years ended 1009 1909 only twenty eight hayo have resulted la in any construe tion lion eighty six have lapsed anat the iho others have received extensions ot 0 time exclusive of n the canadian pacina arach trunk pacific and canadian northern the he charters ch artois granted called far tr miles at 0 construe blon I 1 Den marlc exports to treat great britain over as worth of 0 butter yearly baa idairy nj A in denmark to la mainly cooperative ve in 1007 tho the associations ciati citations ions ons had members mem bera brind as a rulo to the enterprise for ten years ta tie 0 creameries cien crea merles meries in 1908 1909 numbered 1345 |