Show HARRIMAN IN SILENT TOMB services berv ce held in private only intimate friends of the family being present arden N Y yilth with only tin the intimate friends of the family fauilla present services vices over the body ol of edward 11 II harriman the railway king were held on sunday in tho the mansion ho had never lived to see finished after which the tha body was tenderly laid in its last resting place on the ardon arden hillside the rulers of wall street carne came from new york to pay their last tribute but the most prominent part in the ceremonies was taken by the men who know knew him best befit us as a country squire bandmaster and master of the great estate which covers 4 1 acres of hill bill and valley ills ilia general superintendent his bin master carpenter his master mason and tho the managers manag cra and assistant managers manager of his dairies his bis farms farma and his bis trotting stables bore his coelln the funeral was private and only those who were personal trends rends ot of the family and had received ineita tons tona from mrs harrman Ilar were admitted the out of town party arrived at arden at on a special ciLl train the first arst service was holy communion celebrated at 10 a vi by the rev J holmes McG mcgunness ulness nees for mrs harri nun and her children at their home on tower at it 11 came cam a public memorial service at st johns chu church eh for the employed emp loyes of 0 the farm and parishioners who on account of lack of space were unable to attend the funeral service later elaborate precautions were taken to preserve the privacy of the atter afternoon service several score of em aloyes aided by a number of policemen guarded all roads over which the funeral procession passed and kept BI at intervals 01 yarn around the patch of woods which includes the harriman burial plot eight carriages followed tho the hearse from arden house the regular funeral service ol of the episcopal church was conducted by dr guineas assisted aa by the rev 0 nelson archdeacon ot of the cathedral of st john the divine in now new york A male quartette and tho choir of grace arree church now new york sang abide with me and there la Is a land ot of pure delight mr favorite a hymns the service lasted but twenty minutes then the bearers carried the tha casket to tho the burial plot one hundred yards up the kill hlll it was 6 5 when archdeacon nelson took a handful of earth and it over the bed of lilies lillea that bid the metal casket consigned tho the body of edward 11 harriman Harrl man to the earth on the spot bo be loved best |