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Show MORONI j By Special Correspondence Moroni was successful in winning win-ning two basketball games Friday evening of last week. The Junior High wen frcm Fountain Green and the Moroni High School won from Ephraim, the score being 1-5 and 2-7 both in favor ol Moroni. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Bradley were Salt Lake City visitors last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Blackham. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Storey, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Blackham and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bailey entertained enter-tained at a card party Wednesday evening at the home of the latter. Five tables of Rook were played, and Mrs. Leo Morley and Rov Storey won first prizes and Mrs. James M. Larsen and Russel Bailey Bail-ey received consolation prizes. Refreshments were served to hirty guests. Mr. Leslie Syme of Ely, Nevada was visiting relatives and friends in Moroni last week. Mrs. James Hardy entertained at a luncheon Thursday afternoon. after-noon. Those present were Mr. and Mrs.- Daniel Anderson, Mrs. Mor gan Lamo, ivhs. iiarry j. t'eterscji and Mrs. Marvin Anderson of Moroni; Mrs. Elizabeth D. Larsen of Spring City and Mr. and Mrs. Neal Davis of Chester. The M. I. A. of the Moroni Stake held their annual Gold and Green Ball Saturday evening at Paradise Gardens. It proved to be a big success. The following couples of Moroni participated in the contest dance: Billie Walker and Mary Hansen, Howard Blackham and Euledah Bailey, Verlin Tidwell and Rula Tidwell, Gene Blackham and Edice Blackham, Black-ham, Ralph Blackham and Edice Chiistensen, Burg Prestwitch and Jewel Thomas, Elwood Draper and Neva Jensen. Owen Christen-sen Christen-sen and Geniel Jensen, Leonard Eliason and DeOra Anderson, and Reid Rasmussen and Edith Chris-tensen. Chris-tensen. Each ward in the Moroni Stake exchanged programs for Sacrament Sacra-ment meeting last Sunday, Fountain Foun-tain Green at Moroni East ward, Wales at Moroni East ward, Wales at Moroni West, Moroni East at Wales. Moroni West at Fountain Green ward. It was home missionary- Sunday. Bishop John R. Blackham is visiting his son, Edgel, at Los Angeles, An-geles, California. 140 adults attended the night school last Monday night which is being sponsored by the Parent-Teachers Parent-Teachers association. The work is surely going over big in Moroni. The Bridge Club met at the home of Mrs. Frank Christensen Friday evening of last week. Refreshments Re-freshments were served to the following fol-lowing members: The Misses Owen Blackham, Sarah Kellec, Sadie Little, Vivian Anderson Matelda Aebscher, Margaret roadbeiit, Camille Olsen, Mrs. Frank Bruno, Mrs. John Anderson, Ander-son, Mrs. TJrvin Morley, Mrs. Ruclon Johnson, Mrs. Lafe Morley. Mor-ley. Mrs. Jeston Nelson, Mrs. Dan Phillippi and the hostess. Mrs. Linda Christensen was a special ?uest. Four tables of bridge were played play-ed and Mrs. Jeston Nelson won hieh score prize and Mrs. Ruelon Johnson consolation prize. |