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Show UTAH STATE NEWS Stanley Oborne, S2 years of age, a resident of Ogden since 1SVS, is dead of general debility. Estimate is made that there are 145,-000 145,-000 cattle on the ranges in the state of Utah, worth $3.39S,000 and 442,000 sheep valued at $1,774,000. Clyde Drake, 13 years of age, accidentally acci-dentally shot and seriously wounded bimself while examining an automatics pistol at his home in Salt Lake. Out oi a total of 52,600,000 acres of land in Utah, 6.5 per cent may be considered con-sidered farm lands, while 2.6 per cent was actually under cultivation in 1914. Blood poisoning caused from an ulcerated ul-cerated tooth resulted in the death in Huntsville of Clarence Jensen, 22 years of age. He had been ill one week. Brice Mackay, aged 22, was probably prob-ably fatally injured when he was shot during an altercation at Murray. Two Greeks have been held, charged with the shooting. Formal call for the first annual tax convention to be held in Salt Lake December 17 and IS, to discuss equalization equali-zation of taxation, has heen issued by Governor Spry. Thomas F. Kearns, 52 years of age, a ranchman of Gunnison, died at a Salt Lake hospital after a lingering illness ill-ness which began when he injured his back in a fall. Miss Florence Christensen of Salt Lake was awarded the state prize of $300 for the best painting entered in the Utah Art institute's exhibit, which was held at Ogden. Silver Allegres, 42 years of age, was killed in the Apex mine at Bingham, when a heavy rock fell upon him, striking him on the head. It was his first shift in the Apex mine. s Dr. A. Carrington Young, state veterinarian, vet-erinarian, will resign from his present position as soon as a man can be found to take his place, according to a statement made by Dr. Young. Cereals covered 300,000 acres in the state of Utah in 1914, their esimate value being $6,920,000. Sugar beets covering 28,000 acres are shown to attained a valuation of $2,6S0,000. The first carload of exhibits for the Panama-California exposition at San Diego left Salt Lake, Sunday. It was loaded with furniture and with agricultural and horticultural exhibits. Roadbed for the Logan-Lewiston extension ex-tension of the Ogden, Logan & Idaho Railway company has been completed, complet-ed, and within a few days the road will be ready for the operation of cars. The second of a series of farmers and housekeepers' institutes was held November 21 at the Draper ward meeting meet-ing house and was attended by 250 farmers and their wives and daughters. daugh-ters. E. Scott Woodward, one of the most prominent mining men in the inter-mountain inter-mountain region, died at Salt Lake from Bright's disease and pneumonia. He had been seriously ill only four days. One year ago on November 21, the utile hunt for Raphael Lopez was begun. be-gun. Before It ended in failure, on January 3 of the present year, it had cost the lives of six men, slain by the Mexican, and more than $25,000 in money. It is shown that the hay and forage crop in the state of Utah in 1914 covered cov-ered 405,000 acres and kad an estimate esti-mate valuation of $7,430,000. Alfalfa led, having covered a total of 284,000 acres with an estimated valuation of $5,950,000. Grazed by a bullet that passed through the glass wind shield of his automobile, County Comiissioner Moroni Mo-roni Skeen of Ogden, had a narrow escape. It is not known who fired the shot, or whether it was intended for Mr. Skeen. The city marshal at Eureka has in his possession about 150 counterfeit silver dollars which were found in the sastern part of the city by two sma'.l boys who were playing near an old building. Just how the coins got there no one seems to know. The city commission of Ogden will ask the legislature to extend the bond limit of the city. The action of the commission followed a decision to spend about $100,000 in improvements, including a new sewer outlet on the Weber river about five miles west of Ogden. George Moore, chauffeur, charged with murder in the first degree in ;onnection with the death of Mrs. 5adie Wilkins, at Salt Lake, several sever-al months ago, pleaded guilty to voluntary vol-untary manslaughter and has been sentenced to from one to tea years imprisonment. im-prisonment. If the city commission of Salt Lake has its way in its present franchise legotiations with the Utah Light & Traction company, transfers will have to be issued to passengers on the ireet railway system at any time the asaenger makes request for one while he is on the car. Cora Cowing, known also as Mrs. James L. McGivern, died at Salt Lake as the result of a knile wound received receiv-ed during a brawl at the Wasatch Fish club, Thirteenth South and Ninth East, the morning of November 1C. McGivern is charged with stabbing the woman. Mrs. James McCabe is suffering from a dangerous bullet wound received receiv-ed while walking along the Rio Grande tracks at Eureka. A 2-month9-old baby and another child narrowly escaped es-caped injury at the same time. It is j lot known who fired the shots. |