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Show Mount Pleasant is to have another National Guard organization, oi'd-.-rs having been issued this week for the mustering into service of a regimental regimen-tal band here. The band will consist con-sist of twenty-seven members and will include all the members of the present Mount Tleasant band and a number of others from Fairview and possibly other nearby towns. The organization will probably be affect-ad affect-ad next week, Capt. Braby having been instructed to muster the band. The management of the band has jeen negotiating for several months with the Guard authorities .and the order issued this week is the result of those negotations. The band made a decided hit during its engagement engage-ment at the Wizard of the Wasatch Carnival in Salt Lake last summer, and many compliments were besto-ed besto-ed upon it by those who heard it. That it will materially improve in its capacity as a regimental organization and with a membership of twenty-seven twenty-seven goes without saying, and is safe to say that in a very short time I this county can boast of one of the ' best musical organizations of the state. Lieutenant J. M. Boyden, now an infantry officer of the Guard, will proably he detached from Company D, the infantry organization ot thiu city and detailed for service as com- manding officer and bandmaster of j the new organization. I All members of the band and authorities of the Guard are enthu- j siastic over the proposition and are going at it with much energy and zeal. The proposed trip of the Guard to San F.ncisco during the . Fair next year, which will oe taken by the band also, is an event that is being anticipated with much interest by all members. The following is taken from Wednesday's Wed-nesday's issue of the Salt Lake Telegram: Tele-gram: Orders have been received by Adjt. Gen. E. A. Wedgwood, national guard of Utah, authorizing the muster mus-ter into the guard of a band of twenty-nine members at Mt. Pleasant. This order is the result of negotiations negotia-tions that have been under way for several months and insures the national na-tional guard a new branch of the organization, for which a need has been apparent for several years. This band will comprise twenty-seven twenty-seven musicians and two officers. Lieut. J. M. Boyden will be commanding com-manding officer of the organization. The order for the muster in was issued by the war department on recommendation of Maj. W. G. Williams, Will-iams, officer in command of the militia. mili-tia. Each member will be enlisted for a period of three years and will appear in connection with nilliti maneuvers, encampments and on other oth-er occasions. ' The band appeared in this city I during the carnival of the Wards of the Wizard of the Wasatch last August Aug-ust and excited a great deal of favorable favor-able comment from local and visiting visit-ing musicians, including the officers of the guard. The band will accompany accom-pany the national guard to the oxpo-'sltion oxpo-'sltion at San Francisco next July to : participate in the observance ot i Utah day. If arrangements are com- pleted for the participation by the i guard in that day's program. |