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Show i! 4fr4fr4fr4fr4fr4fr4fr4fr4fr4Zr4r4fr4&4p4& 4fr4tr . ANNOUNCEMENT 4- , T It is with a great deal of pleasure that we announce the de- 2' parture of our Mr. H. LeRoy Nielson for the East next Monday. x Mr. Nielson first goes to Baltimore as a delegate to the Demo- A, Vjj' cratic National Convention; after attending the convention he will go direct to New York City where he expects to purchase 6 the Fall and Winter Merchandise for our institution. v We have contemplated a move of this kind for years, know-V know-V . ing that we would be able to save money by purchasing our mer- V .2, chandise direct from the Manafacturers. However we will not only buy from the Manufacturers but will buy in conjunction v with the Western Merchants Association. This latter institu- Xion purchases merchandise for fifty-six stores and thereby saves a great deal of money by buying in large quantities. So Sc we hope to save money from two sources namely: a First By buying direct from the Manufacturers. 'jV Second By buying in large quantities. We believe we have always given our customers the best Merchandise at very reasonable prices. We hope to do " much w better in the future. All we save by the above mentioned meth- od we shall give to our customers in reduced prices. This is only preliminary announcement. We shall have a great deal y more to say upon the return of Mr. Neilson. t Just hold this in mind, however, and watch us for better prices together with the best quality of merchandise. C 4- 4fr4fr4&4fr4$r4fr j 4&iMH& 'f 4 1 ...... ,c. I E' SANPETE J THE WASATCH MERC CO. 1 eft Ji? eft ' " fc? Offers the Best Bargains and Lowest Prices Knit wrist can- C Men's porous f.ftn vas gloves, pair t)t knit underwear Inft b . 50c work shirts Men's black and Oln -J for - -L7l tan 15c hose for 03t 65c work shirts Men's silk and )Zn g for - -O7L linen hose, pair LvL g j $100 jumper Men's all silk iC shirts for - U?C hose, per pair 43 C S S Children's bib Ladies' all silk 1 25 ; overalls for - Lt)t hose, 60c to $1. . . $ See our ,: ' ' A new 'jut- of ,,es 'or i ,t . . , . I THE WASATCH MERC. CO. 75 9;, 'PYRAMID PRINTS EVERYTHING. I ( The Best Bib Overall Two Horse Brand A New Pair FREE If They Rip LtVI STRAUSS &. CO. larra., san francisco 1 PYRAMID PRINTS EVERYTHING I 4? sfe sf? sf? sfj $? g Jj SVVppfcYS J flOte toSOFFl eg, Late season found -us with a heavy stock 4 on hand, and in order to clean them up, will make this discount, which is unusual "8K at this season of the year. Quality the BEST; Styles CORRECT, and in every way are guaranteed perfectly satisfactory j DON'T FAIL TO SEE THEM H AT |