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Show BILIOUS, HEADACHY, SICK "CflSCARETS" Gently cleanse your liver and sluggish bowels while you sleep. Get a 10-cent box. Sick headache, biliousness, dizziness, dizzi-ness, coated tongue, foul taste and foul breath always trace them to torpid liver; delayed, fermenting food in the bowels or sour, gassy stomach. Poisonous matter clogged in the intestines, in-testines, instead of being cast out of the system is re-absorbed into the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes congestion con-gestion and that dull, throbbing, sickening sick-ening headache. Cascarets immediately cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigested food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter and poisons in the bowels. A Cascaret to-night will surely straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep a 10-cent bos from your druggist means your head clear, stomach sweet and your liver and bowels regular for months. Adv. ( p&ijl A real p&y roofing! iuA useless risk is to buy roofing not guaranteed by a responsible concern. con-cern. When you buy our roofing you get the written guarantee of the world 's largest manufacturers of roofing and building papers. Buy materials that last Certain-teed Roofing our leading product is guaranteed 5 years for 1-ply, 10 years for 2-ply and 15 years for 3-ply. We also make lower priced roofing-, 6late surfaced shingles, building papers, wall boards, out-door paints, plastic cement, etc. Aik your dealer for products mflde by us. Yliey nre reasonable in price and we stand behind them. General Roofing Manufacturing Co. World's lmi't nn-nffirturra of Roofing and Building Paprrs New York Crtr Botton Chic to Pittibar-f li L Philadelphia AiUat Cleveland Detroit St. Looit Cincinnati Kansas City Minntapolta San Franmeo Sattl London H amour Sydney HOWARD E. BURTON S8eVRis$ND Specimen prices: Gold. Silver, Load, $1 ;Oold, Silver, 7.x-: Ool1.5(V; Zinc or Copper. Jl. Mailing envelopes and full price list sent on application. Leadvllle. Colo. Bel. Carbonat Nat. Bank. t'l.AMS TINS STl I1KNT AtiKXTS TO tilke ordiTB for ckiss pins. S.-ud for cattilopue nnd tortus. rilll.ADK 1.IMI I A RADtlE CO.. 134 N. 8th St.. rilll.AltKl.rillA, TA. W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No. 9-1915. Winter Chills Bring Kidney Ills A spell of cold, damp weather is '11 III V 'V "Evtrp Pictarr ommended kidney remedy in th llways followed by a fine crop of kid- TJMffrllMlt I el!' torf' world- You'll decide it worth a trial, ney troubles and backache. JHi8S' when you read this enthusiastic testi- Colds and chills damage the kid- P mony. neys. Other troubles common to win- ESr VLf , iff Tir 7 7 ti 7 - 7 ter weather are just as had. Grip, ton- i$3 VjMJL& JPISSa Walked With Crutches silitis, quinsy, pneumonia or any other $)k yjsi3ll- infectious disease hurts the kidneys ifl p8vjC d Gave Up Hope of Recovery by overloading the blood with poisons. y,n 3? jUp'ify -53 r - r-rr . j - The kidneys get worn, weak and in- IA lf& Uoan s Erected Lure flamed trying to work it off. S3 LrWW $Ulfei s' D' Inshram- -i02 E- M:lin s- It isn't hard to strengthen weak 'rJs&'if-Ca' Idnho- sa's: "i cripptt-d wtih kidneys though, if you act quickly. ff3 MJ V" ,he dctors snid wos sclatic rh"""": t i l. i , i - $$ 2 f&fiy J NfeSSP&i tlsm. that for two vcars I hobbl.-d arouDd it the first Sign Of backache, dizzy myJ figg crutches. 1 tried many times to work. spells, headaches, loss of weight, nerv- 4 W. ("SiS? but i .- unable to. ute was a burden and lUsnesS, depression and painful, irreg- ijjSf (ft i often I prayed for death, rather than . "liar kidney action, Start using Doan's iW Sw7 iff BjpaScife!. dure such suffering any longer. My back Kidney Pills. Rest the kidneys by f . t W tfJWreSWM ched all the time and terrible pain, darted . simple eating, avoidance of overwork I PI H wJMM 'k throughout my body n- whole .-,tem . . o j Ifl Ir-AjAl?- rVs iSlt tilled with uric acid. My sislit was poor and worry, and getting more rest and l ) iMJPMI1 and mtie black specks were constantly com. SleGiJ. A milk diet is fine. ing In front of my eyes. My kidneys didn't ... . . . i u Ps4ifW f.-UslrSk'.lSM do their work as they should and 1 had ThlS Sensible treatment Should MWtlW'lmWJm trouble In passing the kidney secretions, r bring quick benefit and prevent Seri- jfegHS?egS (l tj-jfef, fiTiiUf got worse day by day. although doctors tried ous kidney diseases like dropsy, SS"-3 -"""tjii - tQ relleve me and I nad lonB Einc(, glv(.n up ETavel and Rrieht's disease CSS nPe of recovery when I fortunately heard gravei ana isngni s disease. of Doan.3 Kidney puis. After using o Clip this advertisement and mail it x- my condition improved so much that to the addrtls helow for a free trial .. t, , , , , , .. 1 discarded my crutches. I continued usln IO ine aaarfcJS DeiOW tor a iree trial " I'd be all Tighl only for my baJl. Doan's Kidney Pills and they permanently of Doan's Kidney Pills, the best rec- cure(i me." I QV eWhen Your'Back is Lame Kemember "the Name" fO ABQM'SliffiNEtPILLS mi 1? iSold by all DealesLf'rice 50 cents, Foster-Mirbum Co'.BuffeloJ N.:Y, Proprietors JLaJi SIRUP OF FIGS FOR A GHIUMELS It is cruel to force nauseating, harsh physic into a sick child. Look back at your childhood days. Remember the "dose" mother insisted on castor oil, calomel, cathartics. How you hated them, how you fought Egainst taking them. With our children It's different. Mothers who cling to the old form of physic simply don't "realize what they do. The children's revolt is well-founded. Their tender little "insides" are injured by them. If your child's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing, give only delicious deli-cious "California Syrup of Figs." Its action is positive, but gentle. Millions of mothers keep this harmless "fruit laxative" handy; they know children love to take it; that it never fails to clean the liver and bowels and sweeten sweet-en the stomach, and that a teaspoonful given today saves a sick child tomorrow. tomor-row. Ask at the store for a 50-cent bottle of "California Syrnp of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on each bottle. Adv. When Your Eyes Need Care Cpe Marine Eye Mfdirine. NoSmaning FeHs Fine Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Wak, Mre Eyes anu Granulated Eyelids, Murine ia jompoundtd by our Ocriists not p. "Patent Medirlne" but usef1 in successful Ph vslrians' Practice for many years. Now dedicated to -he PuUic and sold by Orutrpists at orfV per Bottle. Mnrine Eye Salve In Aseptic TnreH, tc and bOz. Write for Book of the Eye Free. Murine Eye Remedy Company, Chicago. Adv. JS, Watch Your Colts ln( (S tl lil II or Coughs, Colds and Distemper, and nt the first svmptoms of ny t-l i LOfS &r ) IHI sucn ailment, pive small doses of that wonderful remedy, now th itn VJI?wJ J 11 most usetl n existence, Ajy SPOHN'S DISTEMPER COMPOUND iS?s. -sS -y 60 cents and fl a bottle; $5 and ?10 the dozen of ant druggist, hxrnc&a ynSQ dealer, or delivered by 8POHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists and Bacteriologists, Goslieu, Ind., D, S. A. GRANDMA USED SAGE TEA TO DARKEN HER GRAY HAIR She Made Up a Mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to Bring Back Color, Gloss, Thickness. Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compounded, compound-ed, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray; also ends dandruff, itching scalp and stops falling hair. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which is mussy and troublesome. Nowadays, by asking at any store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy," you will get a large bottle of the famous old recipe for about 50 cents. Don't stay gray! Try it! No one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it does it so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time, by morning the gray hair disappears, and after another application ap-plication or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy. Adv. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle ot CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the ; Signature of CClAfV-MC In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria RESIN0L A HEALING ; HOUSEHOLD OINTMENT The same . soothing, healing, antiseptic anti-septic properties that make resinol ointment a standard prescription for skin-eruptions, also make it the ideal household remedy for burns, scalds, cuts, wounds, sores, chahngs, pimples, blackheads, irritations, and a score ol other troubles which constantly arise in every home, especially where there are children. That is why resinol'olnt-ment resinol'olnt-ment should be on your medicine shelf, ready for instant use. Sold by all druggists. drug-gists. Adv. They stop tlir- firklc. Dc.-in's Mc-nl liol.-ited Couph Drops slop coilt'lis (jiiK'kly. A plenfr ant remedy 3c at all k"o1 l)nn'KMs. I The Wretchedness jef Constipation Can quickly be overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE ' LIVER PILLS. :JPt Purely vegetable yr T act surely and ,:lCADTZD gently on the .', AIY liver. Cure A-ft'WlF S JTLE liiiiousness, CM." pjl'ER Head- - lll5' Dizzi- 4? neis, and Indigestion. They do their duty. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature ',-ii''-Tj. 'I PARKER'S t j HAIR BALSAM 1 A toilet prrpuratfon of rm-rlt, 1 Jlelpn toerallfttt" dandi ulf. 3 For Restoring Color nnd 3buty to Gray or Faded Hair. Oa fcnd tl.CKtat lnnru-lwts. |