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Show NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS Mr. and Mr... Ed. Johnston niotore.. Into Salt Lake early in the wecl. eturnlng Wednesday evening. Tuesday's Salt Lake papers line the news (if the death at llnntsville of Edwin Waugsuaard. brother o Dave Wangsgaard of the local high school faculty. He was 31 vears oi and died of ale-ess of the liver. Mr. and Mrs. George ( 'h ristense-returned ristense-returned this week from a nip to 'he Exposlt ions nl San Franc'sco a-1 1 San Diego, which they took with Ibe Utah Genealogical Association. Tbev report a pleasant and profitable Jon. ney. G. V. Clemensen and Misters, bile lore and Florence, left Monday on r trip to the coast. They will vV friends In Long Beach and Los An gelcH. also the epos:t-oiis at S Francisco and San l ieco before re t urn In g. Mrs. L. E. McAr b'ir -mi ! d-iuvlite-v Ruth and Leah of Washington. D. C d M'1- R Dor us and ch'blre' r S: I r Lfle Oily alro Mr. anil Mrs Mgar McArtbur and daughter, Helen r ''rovo. have hi en guests nl the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. McAr 'bur Ibis week. Mrs. Emma J. Hartinann of Salt Lake was In Mount I'lensnnt severil Inys this week visiting friends and relatives. She is a descendant of he Lake family, al one time res' dents here, and this is her llrst vls'i In fifteen years. She Is deliglile' wllh present Mount Pleasant. Mim'c. L. Johns, forme'iy or t h ' m Ity, l-'.il now- with her husband n enld.'iil of ladri. p:.v;r, h i .mi e l Mount PU'.'ifinnt this week on her way to Manti, where she expects to vis't with her parent s for several wicks. She reports the family as much pleased pleas-ed with their home in the far North. Roy Malmsten, manager of the Golden Rule Store at Mount Pleasant, Pleas-ant, was here Monday and Tuesday visiting at the home of his bio:her Carl and incidentally giving the Golden Gol-den Rule force the benefit of bis well developed muscle in their strenuous job of moving to their new quarters. Richfield Reaper. Willis Hunter, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hunter, formerly residents of Mount Pleasant, came in yesterday for a few days visit while on his way from Oberlin, Ohio, to his home in Idaho. He graduated from the Oberlin Ob-erlin College last spring and has attended at-tended summer school there. He is undecided as to his future. Miss Nettie Sorensen of Moroni, is i visitor at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ily. Madsen. When the September Sep-tember term of school begins she w ill have the 3rd grade of the Moroni Moro-ni public school under her care and we are sure she will make good as a teacher, says the Mammoth correspondent corres-pondent for the Eureka Reporter. A surprise party was given in honor hon-or of Miss Ruth Monsen at the horn of her parents. Mr. am: Mrs. James-Monsen. James-Monsen. Monday evening. A lunch- eon was served by the boys present and games and music were enjoyed j by the guests. Those present were' Elmira Barton. Ruth Candland. Mar-Jorie Mar-Jorie Winters, Helen Larsen, Ruth Monsen, and Will e Jones. Clair Anderson, An-derson, Marius Jensen, Bert Madsen, and Francis Lund. The Pyramid has ie- eived several communications of recent dales conveying con-veying news items for publication and the sender has bo often failed to sign his name. No- dear frltnds, please let us know ho you are so we can greet you with a frinllj-greeting frinllj-greeting when we meet you. By the mere signing of "A Subscribe'" i just as indefinite as it would be to sign the note as "One Who Livs ln North Sanpete." |