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Show SPRING CITY Hon. Jacob Johnson is a Salt Lak visitor this week. Oary'e Smith went to Sterlinf Thursday to visit with relatives. J. M. Johnson is a business visits in Provo this week. V ss Kdi'h Anderson departed foi Salt Lake Thursday. N. H. Oniansen departed for Mel per Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Elhen Neilson hp visiting in Castle Valley this vve-k A bundle shower will be given ii honor of Miss Eva Allred at the honn of Miss Libbie Aeon! Friday evening J. D. Plain of Salt Lake City canu lown Thursday to visit with his parents. par-ents. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Blain. The Scout boys under the com main! of J. R. Baxter, Jr. and J. T 'Haiti went on a hike to the moun tains Tuesday morning. Mrs. A. Aldrich, Mrs. Vlctorl Brandon. Miss Vienna Brandon aiv Mrs. Martin Aldrich visited w ith re' itives in Spring City Wednesday. A Free Dance ror children vv hi hob! I .y- i in picture show coupon will be given at the Lyceum Theatn Tuesday afternoon next. Osman Justcsen will hav Ibe principalship of the Grantsvlli school this year and expects to inovt bis family (here in the ne.ir niinn: Lawrence Jensen wenl to Sterling Wednesday whore he has t mured employment. M. Lund is remodeling bis home ill the western pari of lown. giving it a much nicer appearance and making mak-ing it more modern. Adolpb Anderson who was operated oper-ated upon at the Winters Hospital a few days ago is reported lo be improving im-proving sat isfactorily. The girl's Mountain Echo Band of Ephraim played for a dance in Spring City Monday night. A big crowd was present and enjoyed themselves immensely. im-mensely. Mrs. Ellen Neilson entertained in honor of her nintielh birthday anni versary at her home Wednesday af lernoon, a number of friends and .elat ives being present. Mrs. Lamout Scholleld relairned to her home at Rupert. Idaho, afie several weeks spent here visit !np with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. An drew Madsen. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Schoiield nc visiting with relatives in Spring City. Mr. Schofielil is employed In the Col 'en Rule Store at Mount Plensanl and is having a two weeks vacation Miss Vera Larson of Salt Lake visiting with her mother, Mrs. D'an-tha D'an-tha Larson. It is understood Mis-Larson Mis-Larson has accepted a posit'on a1 teacher of the beginners in the District Dis-trict School. B. E. Griffiths who is traveling ir 'he interest of the American Pro ducts Co. has been spending a fev days at home this week. |