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Show AN APPKAI. TO THK PUBLIC It is really surprising how linlc-nterest linlc-nterest the people of Mount Pleusao have taken in supporting 'their ball :eam this season. We dare say tin; almost as many out of town fans 'lave witnessed the games as Moui. Pleasant people. For instance, Its Thursday, Mt. Pleasant vs. tlunniso;. jluyed to a $16.2.r crowd. Investiga ions proved the fact that a majority ame from Fairview Moroni an, .pring City. Expenses were $:!.r.0 ,nd receipts flG.L'fi. We have heair eeral remarks made in the pa bout the big ro'-eipts of the -til; of uly. Now, if any of ihe gentlemen ho made ihose remarks think t'l.i-S5.no t'l.i-S5.no can carry a ball team through ie whole season they have anotlni uess comin. Besides there wen penses of about $'.'5.(10 on that day 'o you. gentle reader, can see that i' sn't all profit. It costs consMcrabii noney to travel from one town to a-i her and each trip me.ii.s expendi-ures expendi-ures of at least -L'5.oO to $o . -..is most impossible to ir - ?t ep :is- s on $15 lo $18. All thanks due t few enthusiastic husiiuv.s and pro essional men. who mad- it possible ir "s to carry the teii'i thus fa ' f Meant Pleasant expect; to ha'.-i ha'.-i good ball team in X'.:e future it : bsoluiely necessary that ihev haw he backing and undi' ide 1 sippoit )f the public. Few people realize Ci. sacriiic--: nd efforts the players -u-: -tvnpe'l".! o make in order to make a tea'.' nd amusement possible fir the pu1-- c. and the manacenent is rathe roud of the fait, that the- l-oys ha1' iven a good account of t hemsel -v liirinc the season. The players hav l't re'eved any pay for their servic lor do they expect any. however, the least the pul l'c could do Is to rr. hem sullit-ient support to carry the'.!' tlirouch financially. Respect fully, Mt. Pleasant Baseball Association |