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Show SANPET1TKS IX CARBON The following items concerning the lo:"'"s of forme'' Sanpete resident' are taken from the Sun of Price. Carbon Car-bon County: I' Mrs. Lars (.'undersoil and two o1 the children departed last Monday ''or an extended visit to Canada where Mrs. Ounderson lias sclera! brothers and sisters residing. Judge Ferdinand Ericksen stoppc1 over in Price last Wednesday en route to Salt Lake City from Den'.er Colo., where he bad bein for seve-a' days on business for Utah Fuel con pany. With him was E. A. Greenwood, Green-wood, assistant treasurer of that company com-pany and cashier at Zion for the Denver and Rio Grande. J. W. McGann. the cigar maker 'ro'u Mt. I'ieasant. Came ov-r t Price last Monday and took several nice orders for his go.ids while here He Is a hustler and manages lo ge' his share of the 1isincss w hcrev r he goes. McGann keeps posted o: Eastern Ulali allaits by reading the Sun. A movement has been started ir Price which aims to bring pressure to bear which will prevent anv fur ther Wizard of the Wasatch celebrations celebra-tions being held in Salt Lake oe July 24th. It Is claimed that the h'v carnival draws crowds to Sa'l Lake that ought to remain at home " that day. |