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Show Ms. Pauline Petersen of Ephraim arrived here Thursday to attend tin party given in honor of Joseph Jo- lu.nsen, Jr., who leaves shortly on a aission. Mrs. I. E. Jorgensen and Mrs. Peer Pe-er M.tdseu departed Thursday fo; .'nee to attend the funeral of Mrs. Geo. Frandsen who died there last Wednesday night. David Wangesgard of the North Sanpete High School went to Salt Lake City Thursday to be present a, the sporting tournament being held there. Mr. and Mrs. T. (-. na.-rison left Tor Salt Lake City Wednesday and will make their home at 644 Pioneer xvenue. They have been visiting with relatives at Mount Pleasant tot several weeks. Leo. P. Olsen and Miss Yera Card of Rupert. Idaho, came to Salt Lake City and were married in the Temple, Wednesday, March ;!, 1!,1.",. They came to Mount Pleasant Thursdav to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Olof 1'. Olson in this city. Miss Rhea Nelson passed through Mount Pleasant Thursdav on her wav to I'rovo and Salt Lake City. She will have charge of the Millinerv department at the Progress again tins season and will return here in about a week or ten days with her line of Spring millinery. Mr. and Mrs. Neal M. Madsen of Scholield were very pleasantlv surprised sur-prised last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Madsen. There were about thirty of their friends who enjoyed the pleasures of the evening. The members of the Oupie Club were entertained at the home of .Mis.. Ion,. McArthur last evening and at the hour of going to press with (hit issue of th,. pyramid it was reported lhat a very delightful time was enjov-ed enjov-ed by all save one cupi,. who brok. her finger. Manv frivolities wen numbered j ,,( ,.v,.illK'g entertain-nient. entertain-nient. - - |