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Show MORONI Blaine Draper and Jefferson Olson went to Salt Lake City Tuesday. Mrs. J. E. Sharer of Salt Lake City is the guest of Mrs. Orlando Bradley. Brad-ley. Miss Irma Hardy has returned from Provo after a pleasant visit with relatives. Mrs. N. 11. Felt of Manti is visiting this week with her daug.:fer, Mrs. Rodeny Anderson. Miss Connie Nelson entertained the S. O. D. H. club Thursday. A very pleasant and enjoyable evening was spent. Miss Bridget Lamb was hostess at. a breakfast given at the Domestic Science department of the High School Wednesday noon. The honored hon-ored guests werw Mrs. Richard Syme, Mrs. Peter Olsen and Mrs. Urvin Gee. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Jameson delightfully de-lightfully entertained Wednesday evening at a card parly. The gentlemen gentle-men present were Ellis Draper. Ther on Reunion, Grover Oh ristenisen and the Misses Anna Edmunds, Bird Con-ley Con-ley anil Connie Nelson. Dainty refreshments re-freshments were served. |