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Show ANDREW MALSEN PASSES PAS-SES 80TII MILESTONE Andrew Madsen, one of Mount Pleasant's most prominent and early pioneers, celebrated his 8uth birthday birth-day anniversary Wednesday, March 3,1915 by giving a dance at the Mt. Pleasant Opera House to which he invited several hundred people to at-j at-j tend. Though Mr. Madsen is 80 years old one would think that he was much stronger than many who are ten or twenty years younger tha he. While he was giving his speed of welcome he stated that he fell much younger on this occasion tha; he did at other times. He is stil hale and hearty and will probably bt with the good people of Mt. Pleasan-for Pleasan-for many years to come. He cams to this city in the year 1859 at the age of 24 years and has been a very prosperous and energetic citizen. He is noted for the interest he has taken in the geneolo0ical work for the pioneers of Mt. Pleasant. Pres. C. N. Lund spoke at the reception re-ception giving some of his life's experiences ex-periences and telling of his usefulness useful-ness in the community. Bro. Madsen received a beautiful gold watch and chain from his friends at a birthday present. |