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Show Tha rtah Agricultural college plan t0 Wd a nua"ger centennial from June Ssoak,. th- ol-o-tjUUe. Springville, died last week of paraljs l3, at the age of S8 years. of Utah at a cos. of f1..0M The state of rtah ex pen, d $ , 00 7C9.04 during the mouth of April, ac cording to the monthly statement ol the treasurer. A merger of the principal mart and onyx companies operating Jo Utah has been achieved under a cap ltal stock of l"0.n00. Employees of the federal govern ment in the Ogden postofliee have A, cided to abandon their legal fight to evade payment of the poll tax. Mr ana m:s. D. F. Puffin of Salt Lake were Injured when an automo bl'e driven by Mr. Duffin collided with a large dog and was overturned. That it will be necessary to pur chase new furniture to the amount ol about $10,01)0 was the conclusion reached by the capitol commission. Edward Leiter was probably fata'.ly wounded by a masked highwayman al Lehi when Leiter attempted to prevent pre-vent the robbery of his mother's home Nick El'.is has been returned tc Salt Lake from Albert Lee. Minn., charged with murdering Mrs. Sophia Bouraranis at the capital city last November. No-vember. Articles of Incorporation for the Columbia Co-lumbia Trust company, a new $100. 0"t corporation, in which about fifty prom inent Salt Lake men are interested were filed last week. An effort will be made to exte-rml nate mosquitos at Garfield, by attack Ing the breedng places, the s:at( health board having Inaugurated tbf campaign against the pest. Joseph J. Williams, member of th T'tah state constitutional convention former justice of the peace, and prom Inent In Mormon church work, died at .Midvale. May l, at the age of Si. In Box Elder county, the bannet fruit section of the state, reports agr.-c that the great fruit crop is un'.ouchec by the wintry blasts that have sur prised the state during the la?; iv't days. Hird day was o- rve.i !n a:l tv. 1 puMic schou'.s of Sa't La's-. C:y o" April 3j in i.ccord .r.ce wi"i the g -v i mors proeIa:na:i.n s. ;:;ng a-:d-- o:o: ' day to do hoii'.r to the ; a'!,. n .: trp-e. John I.orr.mon. a I rakenian en th . ?a!t Lak- P.oute died at a Silt Lak- 1 hospital last week. H;-; skull w j fractured, rec-i'.ed a'-out t n d.i.M previous !:.- a he was sru- it ty train at Milord. The reei nt c'lih convention ho ld is Mount I'le ant brought t go-.her more! than 1"' club ': nn n, r.-pr- scn'.ative i of the clubs of M.c.ti. K; hraini. Nephi ! Gunnison. S.i'.:ti.i. Ea!r:w, I'our.iai Grei n and Mount !''. a-ant. The pri gram and otr.rr'ainrr.onl coniniltt-es of the I t ih P.ir:t:.iceu'.i cal as.-oeijiioti have almost c- tiiplcO J their arrangerr-ehis f, r the atii-.'.ial con Volition to he li.'M at the Hermitage In Ogd. n canyon on May :J and Zj. A cable on one of t'-.e buck-'s !n til- Yamp.i to.ne at Piiicham ; ariej ntnl in-; '.;:c ly k;','..,l S'e" Sv.'.ich. w h -e head and s:;,- were bad y c:i:-!i.'l He h.i; :,!".:: "7 ars o! and b.nes a w::'o and .; sen is A u.-i r:a. j. ...,,:., ,,t y ,-f ......;. r.t'T b .-:ni:-.g S .l; 1 :Ve I't.i'-. si n I...ke Koi:' , g:en to fly e:v- tkird -f the i .o ,. hi Apr;' :-. - or of ihe Arr.-.vr , a) ch i a ,;, '! !; ' '! f :.f-.i-:; :. of the i i:y an I 1 1 e t a .. Api r 'Viin.:!, !y : , f f 0 t r.-iai;. d t i . :. '.'. i :;.. r, o.l p,o-du. p,o-du. Is coir;- ay (,; j, n ,., so'-S' so'-S' tihi d in s' v k. ami t:..- r,r.":r..:er f' ! c. it; t fa., proj-oso 1 f. ,:. and voceiaVe c.i;, r.;t !:..; i .,nt i Oleirus.'.ly i o ! it:'! .lair.es IV:,-; s. n. yc:-.-s or ap- C.'itfit!:te. .!!, at A-;n rh- j-Vri. i hy slioo'l; .; ;,; v.; , j... ,, 'a .4 1 . a'i'.or r'l'.c II,- '.'.ad bu: re. ' !" "i !.r. i- hi !,,.;, fro-u ,.. '''a' hos;-;.al. where he .., Veen ; cohl-tn d since :.i ;.,;, ' T!"' isH-ns .1. .it h by po;on of no less til. in twenty dogs in ha'f as many das is now eouf i on ; lag the Po lire of S,j Lake, and present Indira-Inns Indira-Inns point to t!,r fact that one or more poisons an- conducting rt svst.v malic poboniug crusade. The Weber county civil division of the Second district court experienced something of a,, annho: s.u v on prll HO In the tiling of the live thousandth complaint, thin record harking back to the t illli- W lien 1 ' t .. 1 :.. . . . , . 1 o.i-illCll IIS SilltO- hood nineteen years ngo. lieplylng to an Inquiry from lh.. Palhologist of the Salt I,,ko cotr 1 Health drparlr.tent. the bureau of fish- I cries. V. s;. department of commerce j , '"'Klon. sas that l Its opln-1 1" rrr,',;,,;. of decomposed animal ' x:;: iuh - ! Mrs. Mary Ellen Kogers lVrr, who ' , was bo, September lh,, Ss, l tho ! 11,1 fo" "l''''l' ood ,,, the present j she of Pioneer park at Salt Lake. d who Is said to ,,:,w. , one (f th(, 1 n.s wlilie chlM.on b,n In S.,1, l ake j vl -y died ailcr ;,.,,,. l her home In Salt Lake. I Kobe,-. Prater M unro. ,',:ona,-. lMeslde, of the N. K fM rl-a n k , con,. , !''. Ihe New ,,;,,,, A(.M iim) 1is ; "iiu,-.-, w. j W1,,.lx ,.,.,, i(J I Hrllnlllg company ,l half do;, ,, I ;'"norallo,,N. , , , I luvesllgallng potash d,-oslt. |