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Show NEW SHORN FLOGKS SUFFERJN STORM; SHEEPMEN OF OREGON ARE; HEAVY LOSERS AS RESULT OF UNUSUAL WEATHER. j " i First Snow Within Man's Recollection in Salt River Valley in Arizona, While Icicles Hang From Apple Trees in California. San Francisco. A herder in Morrow Mor-row county, Oregon, found Friday 400 j of his newly shorn flock of 1.600 alive j after the pitiless storm of wind, snow, ! sleet and hail which for two days had swept that portion of the United States lying west of the Rocky moun- , tains. At Monterey, Cal., warehouses i were blown into the bay, merchandise and all. In southern California icicles hung from apple trees. The first snow within man's recollection fell in the Salt river valley in Arizona, and across the Nevada desert the wind attained the proportions of a hurricane. hurri-cane. Damage to sheep in eastern Oregon alone was estimated at well above $500,000. Incidental damage will Increase In-crease the total loss to well above $1,000,000, according to reports, and possibilities of loss running Into many millions hinged upon the strong like-I like-I lihood of frosts threatening fruits of 1 many varieties and especially apples and prunes. Scores of small craft were driven 'ashore along the California coast and I some vessels attempting to leave San I Francisco harbor had to put back. In San Francisco two boys wera killed by a live wire. From Idaho came reports of thousands thou-sands of lambs frozen to death. In eastern Washington, Idaho and Montana the temperature fell twenty-live twenty-live degrees in twelve hours. |