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Show I :, PERSONAL E9 Mis Hazel taonnrd of Huntlng,- HH , ton In visiting with Price friend for a Hff , few dn). H& 9 I Mr. Thoma Flt7gcruld and chll- HVfl ? dren nro nt home from n visit with HMft f ' relative In Kmery county. Hfa 1 Mlsa Klher Peacock of Hiawatha ' tt Visiting with the family of her tiro- HB i ther, Warren Peacock, of Price. Hi "Mis Kva Hnll ha returned In HBj her home at Mnntl after a lnlt of two HB , month with friend and relative at K J Mr. and Mr Cart Kmpcy arc In " r Nn Mile thin week visiting with Mr. HH Kmpey parent. Mr. and Mm K C. H Mlm Cora AIIIon departed Hun- day for Full take City, Where the will H attend school thi coming fall and Kg winter. B' .' Mm. T. It. MoMIIInn and children HHV -. are home from an outing of net era! HB. i da) at the Puce ranch on thick HBjf L Henry VnnNntlii ha returned to HBV S American Pall. Ida . after n vMt with Hfli ?j Ids mam Helper frend. Helper F Timet, 14th. V Mr. nnd .Mr Itaa Anderson nnd f . family were In from Holdler Creek 1 Init Mpnda) to see tile Irwin Pro. M Jj Wild Weal hOW. B Mm W. Ncllson and Mr, N. Nell. HHB ' on of Htotr were In Helper Mnndn), giiest of Mr. W. ) tambnoru-- Hcl- per Time. 14th. ) K. V. Htare). a railroad man of j Hiawatha, lulled the C. If. Clotier I family I'rlday, en rout home. Green j lllver Dlrpntch, 1 S t ti. H I Ml leona Jensen of the Price. T k i Commercial and r1avlng hank I Spending her vacation at Ml. Hen. HB-1 ant, 'her former home. l ' ''Ml Parthenla llnrslcy returned l ' taat Saturday from Herkeley, Cala., HBB t where rhe h Iteen attending summer a, school at the university. M -Tom Averlll U In Price for a May f a week or ten, da). Ho I to (Utah I covrrnl icnme for the Price team le- hM totti returnlnic to Palrvlcw. Hv Mrs. J. M. Miller and aon. Mauler ' Morrl. Mem down from Colton nt ' i Monday to the Irwin Wild Went show. i returnlnic homo n thn evenlnjt. H . 11. Metralf of OunnUon. Hpen ) j h r Mnd.cn of Manll, K. It. Dnffo-d of P Hlln and Ueorifo McDcmmld of jin- ; err I, Colo., are rendered nt the Hn- H f Andrew Hanaen nnd famlt) huo U J lately motrd front Mnhrland down to K 4 Cleveland tu make their homo at the i 1; latter plate at lnit durlnir the full w winter. K 1 deorite llruner hn reilRned hi il position aa frtlitlit trucker at the len f ver and Itlo Orande warehoime In ae. ! rept a like ponltlon at 1'rlcv. Helper Tlmc Hth. I i -.MlMie Knill) and Mahel IiwHtn k returned home tu I'alnlew rrom Cnll fornla Uat week. They upent Utah ' Hay at the exMiltliin Ml. Plrunnnt l)ramld, 1 3th. -sMrK. T. U MrCarty and three Children arrUed home Tuemlay morn Ins front a aratlott h petit with rein- tle at Mountain Home On en ltler DUpatch, IStti. V IMItor Imt of the Helper Timet V, ,vaN In 1'rli'e Monday to e the Wild Wet how It la duller generally ut t '( the railroad town, ho atatea, than at j V uny time In hli recollection. HHk ';' I'lreman Dunn expect tu enn 1 A nuxt week to work on hi father' I jl ranch near Hcofleld. He n that hn HHpi S will ltae atxmt ctmen hundred cat- v 1 tin to hmud Helper Time, llth. K 9 Mark llopklna wa here Moudn m from !lor Canton, Miuth of Hunn- HHHJ b lde, where coimldcrnlilo dexelopinent HHHJ V work U helnc done under hi dlreo Hi i tlon for a Chicago ndlcata In h i .1 .tukltiR coal propoaltlon Thing are T f going along ijulte aatUfaitorll) there - Ml Venetta Monoen returned Wednesday from a three week" trip through Kmery and Uintah rountlc. where ahe ha lcen foiling relate ea and friend. Mt. l'leaant Pyramid 13th. J. M. Miller of Coltbn I nt home from n bulnea trip to Tohar, Ne., where ho ha conlderahle Intercct and which town promt to become quite a huilneiia center within the next few )ear. I'rof. Ifter HJarnnon left hero on Tue!ny for I.ogan. Ho and hi wife will llt the California exposition exposi-tion after which they will make their home In thl city permanently llleh-field llleh-field iteapcr, nth Joe I.ltlxielte returned home from Salt take City Thurada). He Ute that Mr. l,ltlxxette, who wa operatel on for appendicltl, I Improtlng nice ly. which I good new to her Helper friend. Helper Time, Hth. Will Milne arid ricorgo Cnhcrt hao returned from n trip to the mil-road. mil-road. They went out by way of Colton Col-ton and returned ly way of Price They my the new Price road I flrot-ola. flrot-ola. M ton Free Pre. 12th Mr. Prank Krdmann and Mr Mary II. Howard, both of Halt take City, are lulling with their nlMer. Mr. J. K Mt Knight, of Price. Thl I their flret trip here nnd they nre delighted de-lighted with the city and rountry surrounding sur-rounding H. P. tlitrron of the American A-phall A-phall aemiclatlon at HI. taula ha been In Myton for it few da. Ilarrou I making freiiuent llta Into the Iflntah llaln of late and It may le that he know more than he will tell Myton Free Pre. Uth I)r J. C. riraham waa here )e-lerday )e-lerday from Catln Dale. He I one of the promoter of the Copper Ololie Mining nnd Hmettlng company, which propow the dexelnpment on a large acale of the holding of that company down near Perron. Joseph FeltKer and Adolph Hell-man Hell-man write The Hun from Han Francisco Fran-cisco that they are taking In the expo-altlon expo-altlon with all the "trimming" at pan sltlon with all the "trimming" nnd are having the trip of their llea. They ask to bo remembered to all friend nt Price. Mis Helene Henney departed Tueda for Halt take Clt. where ahe expect In study for n time mtialo under un-der Prof J. J. Md'lellan. Mis Henney Hen-ney wa nt Price academy In ehurge of the music department Inst ear. but haa no definite plan for the time being other than study. George ' Marlon, u prominent btislneK man of (Irnnd Junction, Colo., and it long lime friend of Harry A. Ackermnn of till ell), wa here Monday Inst. He I well pleased with thn city and consider It one of the rery bel an) where In tho counto, hla home town alone excepted. J. W. Chumberluln or lllfle. Colo., arrived here tho first of the week from Halt take City to become man-nger man-nger of the Hitxoy Hotel, succeeding l. M. Hhlreman. Mr. Chamlxirlaln ha hart considerable experience a a hotel man and come highly recommended recom-mended both a a good eltUen and a limine man. August (luarlentl waa here from lllack Hawk last Monday. "The mine are working flse day a week." snl.l he. "and It looki n If, they would noon get six. lluslneM nt Mnhrland, Hiawatha nnd 1 1 luck Hawk I getting better right along." Mr. (luarlentl run a bakery business with the people peo-ple of the three rump n hi custom-era custom-era and I doing welt Mr. J II. McDonald, formerl) of Helper and Pi Ire. Ml M. Vake, 15 Hpark or Hpnrk Cnnd compaii) of Halt take Clt) and M It Wytknff of Chicago, motored from Hult take Cltj to Helper Haturdn), xer pleasantly lUiprUIng Mlsi) lleslc Morrow The paity returned to Halt take City Mon-dn Mon-dn without Mrs. McDonald, who I lemalnlng for n ten da lslt wltt. Mb. Morrow Helper Time. Hth. Mr. Carrie Thoma William having sold her Interest In the Thoma Hotel at .Cotton, departed thl week for Ball take City, where she I to make her home. Mr. Mabel Itoot her lter and partner In business, expect ex-pect to make a nhort lslt to the reservation res-ervation country before 'going to To-bar, To-bar, No Clcnrge Htewart, who haa been superintendent or the Castle Peak mine for some time, ha resigned hi position with thnt company and accepted ac-cepted a position with the Uteland company near Ouray. He has moed hi ramlly to that place. Don Taylor, who has been employed at the Castle Peaki wilt also go to work ta the Tie-land Tie-land Mjton New. Uth Mr nnd Mr George W. Hhlner returned last Tuesday from Halt take Clt, where they attended the funeral of Mr Hhlner' brother, John M taff-ler. taff-ler. aged 78 Jinr and a resident of Halt take City for upwhrd of fifty year of hi life, ile 11 survived by n wife, one aon, two daughters, three brother nnd three sister. Castle Dale Progress, Hth Itussell William hurriedly passed through town last week IhiiiiuI for his old haunts In Kmery, but guaranteed perfcetl) nre nnd trustworthy following follow-ing the performance or a 'marriage ceremony which took place out In the resenntlon country n rew da) a before In whlth thnt worthy nnd Mis Draper, who tlslted In Kmery last winter, were the principal participant. Castle Dale Progrc, Hth Mr and Mr. I) M Hhlreman departed de-parted for Halt take Clt) last Bundn) nnd nre not to return. The) hae been connected with the management or the Hnmj Hotel for errat month, the former a receiver In charge for the Merchant' Hank. From. Halt take City the) expect soon to lec for llurno Aire, where Mrs. Hhlreman Hhlre-man ha relative nnd n good position, posi-tion, nwnlt him Hex Harder Jin returned to hi ranch In the flreen Itltcr section. He will keep In condition nnd go to Denver Den-ver for the Apache handicap road race for blocllst. He will ride In this twent)-mlle race nnd hope to get a good place among the entrant nnd not be tinndlcnppcd lie) olid all thance of winning He will enter a a Grand Junction rider, o he still call thl clt) hi home Grand Junction News, 17th. Iru It Drowning wa In Price during the week, going and coming from Hall take City. "Wo have a bumper crop of wheat nil through Kmery count), but the mat I doing ome damage," said he. "Other crop of nil kind promise well. Our people nre delighted with the coming to Km cry county or the Utah Power and Light company. It I uniUetlonnbl) the forerunner of an electric llite of rnllrond to the Denver nnd Itlo Orande" A. K Denne, formerly a resident of Green Itlver nnd well nnd favor-nhl) favor-nhl) known nil through Kastcru Utah, I In Price thl week In the Interest or the Capital I.lfe Instirnnre compntt) of which he hn reientty been appointed ap-pointed gem ml agent for Utah Ile ha for several )eam been with the Kqullnhln with hrmluunrtcr nt Zlou. Mr. Denno ha hi office In the Kent n building at Hult take City und became while here a member of The Hun' alrend) large and growing fitm-II). fitm-II). George McDermnld. manager of the Wastlih Htorn tumpany at Horn-ere. Horn-ere. Colo , wns in Prloi today, leaving leav-ing thl morning for Perron. He-turning He-turning he goes to CiiKtle Gate tomorrow tomor-row nnd from there to Hall take Clt) to till) good. He ha beep with the oompnii) twent)-fle wir and I tint oldest mun In point of service with the corporation. Homersel I now working work-ing rive day u week, the output being around fourteen hundred ton n da), most or It going to the Denver and Itlo Graudit ror engine u- nt Grand Junction, Colo, Prof J G. Oubler. prlnelpul of the Carbon Count) High school for the ensuing term nrtlved the first of the week In Prlte from Provo. where he haa been tuklug some special school work during the summer shue leaving Hcofleld. Yestrrdn) he wu at Helper nnd loda) und tomorrow will lll Hunnde. Interesting parent und pu-pll pu-pll In the high school tater visit nre to be made to other district of the count) with the mine purpose In view. A oon us Profc.ror Oubler secure n dwelling. Mr. Oubler will join him here Him I at present In Provo. High Mihool begins Hepteluber 7th |