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Show ITH KTOC.KMI.N I'OU.HT AI)ANCi: 11 HMI.IlOHS I In commenting upon the dcclnlun made b) thn commlnnlon, H W Mc-I, Clure necretar) of the .National Wool-1 grower' annoclntlun, last Haturda) ' nald 'I have no direct ndvlce nn thl matter, but preaume thl I thn cue known u .No Q9 In Kebrunr) or 1914 the railroad or the Intcrmouu-tain Intcrmouu-tain countr) fllid tariff effective April 14, 1VII, b) which the rule on cuttle and sheep whipped to thn Ml-nourl Ml-nourl river district und Chicago were advumed In amount runglng on sheep, from t 0 to MI SO per cur These advance applied on shipment I from South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, ' V)omlng, Utah, Colorado and Oregon, I nnd Indlrectl) uffeeted the other Wee-tern Wee-tern State ror ir thl advance hud been allowed tariff would hitve been filed advancing the other rule I When thn advance wa proponed the American National I.lve Stock association as-sociation and the National Woolgrow-ers' Woolgrow-ers' association together with some other stock associations, asked thn In- lerstnta commerce commission to nun. pend thu advances und clve the Hoik-men Hoik-men a 'chance to prove that thi) were unreunonablc Thl the commission did, so that the advanced rut en were never put Into efrect. The cam was heard ror three da ut Sioux Calls, H I), Mu), 1914, und hi u further seven-da) heurlng In IXnver Inst August. 'Heproenttttlve stiKkmen took the position that existing rhte were nde-quntel) nde-quntel) high nnd rurtlur advances could not I ,. justified That thn eom-mission eom-mission has now refused the Uvuncn III rates justifies the ikhnIIoo taken b) the stockmen Had the advance, been grunted It wou.d have wwi ,MPr tockmen In the. ukkrekat .c. hundred thouMticI dollar. 'l |