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Show PRICE wii re 1 KINDS OF . $ Drinks, Flavoring Syrups, Candy and Drum Gas. Good Delivered at Your ? 00 Homes Promptly. Phone 24. P"CC Utah J One Dollar j SIS i rwcj k: lUdft For Lo of Life. 0 For of ltnnl.. 0 For fcou of Fcflt. 11100 K" L0M of ltaBd "llJjo'For Low of Bi. J to FoM0i ot "w Fol- HrtlflSoranccRcat Estatc.Loaas ktk American Accident Ins. Co. I A. II. 1IUNTK.V I ruittn full llrprwonlAtUn MHCK, UTAH J oBRhb The High Efficiency COAL Govt equivalent, 2104 pounds. Unequalled for Storage, Will Not Black. ttn of Steaming nnd Heating qualities, Wpki Coal 5 Coke (o, Mints at cKnllwortli, Utnh Oa Offlcca, Walker Honk HIiIr. 3AI7T UKB CITY I LARS FRANDSEN Mnnufncturcr of Brick of All Kinds Yard adjoining tlio Denver ind lllo Grnndo Itnilroud com-puiy com-puiy on the south, three blocks rut of depot Olllcc nt home, corner Main nnd Sixth streets. Estimates Given and Prices Quoted on Application P.O. Box 93 Phone 43x ruin; itah Sunnysic(e i Liquor House i Retail Liquor Merchants ; Suanrildo, Cnatlu Unto, Win- ' r Quarters ami Clear Crcok ; NOTHING BUT THE BEST '- Pino Wluca, Brandies, Doors 3 ! no CorillaU for tho Family Trauo. ; ; I'ool and Millard Tabloa. ', ', ?! fl 1 1 I I-H m northern! BAR :: Ei'rjthliiK Flrnt-Claw nnd '.'. I'P-to-Duto, Courtoui and Fair Treatment ' ! to All. o . . . AGKERMAN & FORD;; ! Proprlotora, V ' ' ' " I II t"K4-H44 flrfnmake a,,(1 maintain our own ln.urai.c rates. Bee ua concern. U in J "I'Wnif policies. "No trou-rrt,,.!!1,0 trou-rrt,,.!!1,0 K"ds." Nine of tho most ta a "".' companies doing business Prk M.,rJ ll w- Crockett & Co., f. LHh -Advt lthT.'lna ''fief work a specialty Viii .. Hun Ask for estimated. W .." ollcltea and given the rrlr. i'.,,tn,,on' Address. The 8un. -Jl!ilh -Advt VIiojvy Nn8- NOT "BAD TIIU BAT. NOTICU Any firm, corporation or Individual having an account against mo personally, or In connection with the lTlw electric lighting sstem since my connection with the same, Is requested to preaont the same for paymer.t at once, nnd very greatly oblige. J. II. M ANSON. Trite. Utah. Aug. 1. 1915. " "Hey Therel" luTSIll loluta $t,00. McKune's. Adtt. for iiutter wrappers nnd coupon Lili ' l i: ' boosk see The Sun. Advt I I; HV li't' ' i"'-l F-TB If 1 &M I Ll Ike latest things la Fall 11 L I Hats are belag sbown at oar 1 Si M fl store these days. Tans la H '' -;H ditfereat colors and latest mj ' ' styles, aHd priced so low yn raS x H will b) pleased. Wj$ ' Coae la aad look whether gf I ' V ' yog buy or ot. No treuMe Ml f ,efl to sbow gods, WM ' ..iH Bessfo KeMNedy, Millinery. Inc. W hvm ffiBEjf. ii 4bH IIP r'a9 |