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Show . ARE BUVIIMOIITSIDE Oiirboii ( iiiint) lliiaiii Ii ii Iciim-nl lly ttonil ('(inlrnnorn. rggleaton A Miithrw, thi ("nlornilo contrnitlng firm that linn the nmd work under arrangement 'with ihe boinl of ciitint) commlneliinerit of Cnrlxin iinuit), taut neek muted a portion nf their forcm from tin Nine Atlte rcillon to u point betneiti Mil-per Mil-per nnd Price. With thl romplctid It I expeitetl the) are to go further on tnunriln Cm tie (late and the I'tah tount) line, hut at Junt what imriliu-lar imriliu-lar point It I not Mated IIiih Atidcnom, who wnn In Trir liikt Mondny from Koldlir Can) on rfl)i that ho did not go to work with hi Warn under Kgglentnn ft Mntheu na he told The Hun u churl time ago he fxpected to do Me had three ti'itniH whlth had bei u promliud work out Mm Mile wa but uhen he tulii to go Into detnllN the) wanted him for but thrie or four dayn lit woiildn t accept the ahntt time Job From what he inn learn hut a ir feu CiirlKin count) people am given empto)iiunt I'rlco inenlmutK gi t no benefit from the Colorado contrmtorH nlme the) are shipping In groctrle unci other aupplle for thilr uimpi from nrnnd Juuitlon, Coin., and elucwherc not uven biolng In the matt Mont of the thirl) -one thnuaand dnllnra bond money will go ilmuhtre thun Carl on tount) Ktevenmiu lumber ) nrd, oun d by thn nount) 'bull moone" tlialr. mmi. of lourre I raking off the turn, her nnd tuliert material rale, ulihh Ih billed ugiitnat the loiint) dlreit No other Trice or Carbon count) firm la glin n ihane nt thla. |